  • 期刊


Outline of the Present Problems Involved in Food Production on Mainland China and the Preliminary Remarks on Strategic Remedy as Suggested for Immediate Implementation in Future


中國大陸人口龐大,所需糧食數量當然可觀。因生產條件欠佳,如天災(水災、旱害)、人禍(亂砍森林、水土流失、倉貯不良)、管理失調(糧價不合理、投資不足)及制度欠妥(違反人性)等,乃造成糧食供應長期吃緊。自一九八○年始將制度略加改進,增加農業投資,到一九八四年糧食生產顯著增加。近年又有建立商品糧基地之推行,已獲初步成效。 今後似應再從控制人口,積極培育水土資源,研究耕作制度之改進,穩定合理糧價及採行農工並重等政策,對糧食需求或可獲得有效之改進。


With a huage populatim in the neighbourhood of 12 billion on Mainland China, there is not an unusual a shortage of food supply. Factors causing the shortage are numerous, including natural disasters (drought and flooding), man-made mistakes (soil and water erosion as a result of deforestation, poor post-harvest handling and storage of farm products), inadequate farm price and control system without humanity and etc. Since 1980, induced by several measures, such as increased investment in agriculture, establishment of base of intensive farming etc, have been taken bumper harvest was achieved in 1984. In addition to above measures, it is desirable and necessary to consider the following strategic policy to be implemented immediately: population control, preserve and conserve soil and water resources. Stablization of farm price, improved cropping system and equal opportunity between industry and agriculture. By so doing a healthy food production could be reached on Mainland China in the near future.
