  • 期刊

百香果(Passiflora edulis Sims.)胚乳培養不定芽再生及三倍體植株建立

The Induction of Adventitious Buds and Establishment of Triploid Plantlets in Endosperm Culture of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis S.)


百香果胚乳由細胞型充實期至成熟期,顯示具有均質分生細胞特性。未成熟胚乳可感應單一生長素或細胞分裂素導向不定芽發生,其中以TDZ 0.5mg/L誘導不定芽發生率可高達94%。近成熟胚乳則兩者相組合效果較佳,以MS補充2.4-D0.5mg/L及知TDZ 0.5mg/L不定芽發生頻率達45%爲最佳。爾後則可藉BA0.5-2.0mg/L促進不定芽增殖,平均不定芽數可達50個以上。繼代培養於含NAA或IBA 0.1mg/L組合BA0.5mg/L,則可兼促進叢生不定芽增生及伸長。胚乳培養不定芽再生途徑可分兩種主要類型,由胚乳表層或內部細胞起始分化爲具極性之擬分生中心,再由端極再生多數不定芽原體,此歸之爲中間型不定芽發生(intermediate caulogenesis):接著始自幼小不定芽表層組織分化出多數芽始體,而長出二次不定芽,此稱之重複不定芽發生(repetitive caulogenesis)。此兩種再生途徑爲促使不定芽加速增殖重要致因。再生不定芽小枝梢微扦插於MS補充IBA 1.0mg/L處理,發根率爲100%。植株根尖細胞學檢定,染色體爲3n=27。


The endosperm of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis.) was inducible for regeneration of numberously adventitious buds in the filling cellular stage to mature stage. The homogenous endosperm cell were characterized with potentially meristematic attributes. The immature endosperm culture was responsive to the sole auxin or TDZ treatment, and destined to caulogenesis as high as 94%. The mature endosperm inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D 0.5mg/L and TDZ 0.5mg/L achieved 45% regeneration. Subsequently, the BA (0.5-2.0mg/L) was efficientlyt o stimulate bud multiplication obtaining more than 50 buds in each endosperm. The NAA or IBA 0.1mg/L combined with BA0.5mg/L was suitable for bud proliferation and microshoot elongation. The anatomical features showed that the regeneration of adventitious bud originated from abaxially ruminate surface, mediated through the polar meristematemoid rather than callus, then differentiated multiple bud primordia from its distal periphery, this regeneration pathway is classified as intermediate caulogenesis. There after, the new adventitious bud primordia were initiated from the superficial layers of young bud, and developing into secondary buds, this process is termed as repetitive caulogenesis. Both pathways contribute to rapid multiplication of adventitious buds. The microshoots were cultured on MS added IBA 0.5-1.0mg/L obtained 100% rooting. The cytological examination of plantlet was proved to be triploid 3n=27.


