  • 期刊


The Growth, Yield and Post-Harvest Quality of Semi-dwarf Fusarial Wilt-Resistant Banana Clone TC1-229 as Affected by the Rate of Tai-Fei No.4 Compound Fertilizer (11-5.5-22)


在有機質含量約百分之二的坋質壤土定植中矮性抗黃葉病品系TC1-229組織培養苗蕉株,每年每株施用台肥四號複合肥料1.0,1.5或2.0公斤,抽穗期葉片之礦物營養組成均在正常範圍內,惟磷和鎂含量隨肥料施用量減少,處理間差異達顯著水準(P=0.05)。肥料施用量對蕉株的營養生長和蕉果後熟品質影響不大,在花芽分化的平均果把數、果指數和採收果串重方面,2.0公斤處理略優於l.0和1.5公斤處理,然差異未達顯著水準。在TC1-229宿根苗栽培中,蕉株之施肥量分別減爲0.76,1.06及1.36公斤,結果同樣顯示,施肥量對營養生長和後熟品質的影響有限:處理間在平均果把數、果指數和採收果串重上之差異均未達顯著水準。兩年試驗顯示,肥料施用量對蕉株的抽穗情形亦無影響。 比較同(十一)月份抽穗之宿根蕉株和組織培養苗蕉株,兩者在營養生長上相似;前者花芽分化之果把數和果指數稍低,此應與蕉株生育初期與花芽分化期過多之雨量有關,和肥料施用量無關。在TC1-229組織培養苗蕉株栽培中,適當的肥培管理,爲採用台肥四號複合肥料,以每年每株1.0公斤,分六次撒施於蕉株四週,並於抽穗前施用完畢。宿根苗栽培可酌情減少施肥次數與施用量,分四次,每年每株施用台肥四號複合肥料不超過1.0公斤即可。


Field trials on the effect of three levels (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg/plant/year in plant cropping, and 0.76, 1.06 and 1.36 kg/plant/year in ratoon cropping) of compound fertilizer Tai-Fei No.4 on the vegetative growth, yield and post-harvest quality attributes of TC1-229, a semi-dwarf, fusarial wilt-resistant banana clone, were conducted on a soil of silt loam with a pH of 8.0 and 2% of organic matter for two consecutive years. Results indicated that leaf nutrient composition at shooting stage was within a normal range in both croppings, the contents of P and Mg were inversely related to the application rate and were significantly different (P=0.05) between treatments. Results also showed that application rates had no significant effects on bunch emergence, numbers of healthy leaf, height and girth of plants, numbers of hand and finger, and weight of bunches, as well as total soluble solids content and shelf life of fruits. An appropriate way of fertilizer application for TC1-229 is suggested. In a plant cropping one kilogram of compound fertilizer Tai-Fei No.4 is split into six dosages, with each dosage the fertilizer is monthly broadcast until shortly before bunch emergence. In a ratoon cropping the quantity and dosage of fertilizer adopted in the plant cropping could both be reduced.
