  • 期刊


Analysis of the Managerial Efficiency of Tea Plantations in Pinglin Area


本文調查坪林地區茶園之生產投入、產出以及相關之經營管理特徵與資料,並採用非射線型之Russell measure DEA,進行各茶園經營效率的衡量。實證結果發現在VRS條件下,坪林茶園之樣本無效率值,整體平均為0.372,說明樣本茶園平均有減少37.2%之投入使用的改善空間,而其中以肥料與農藥費用之使用情況最無效率,是最應加以改善之投入項目。而讓較年輕者接手經營、專職栽培種植與兩種品種之種植生產,皆有利於坪林地區茶葉生產種植的效率。同時亦發現坪林地區經營茶園之適當種植規模約在2八頃左右。


This paper conducted a survey to obtain the inputs, outputs and managerial data of the tea plantations in Pinglin area, and then used the non-radial Russell measure DEA to evaluate the technical efficiency of tea farms. The results indicated that the average overall inefficiency score is 0.372 in which the inefficiencies are mainly from the use of pesticide and fertilizer. Therefore, it means that tea plantations have room to improve by 37.2% on average and the improvement of the use of pesticide and fertilizer is more important than other input uses. The comparisons of different groups of farmers showed that younger farmer, specialized production, and planting just two varieties of tea are helpful for the tea production in Pinglin. In addition, it is found that optimal production scale of the farms is about 2 hectares.


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