  • 期刊

Assessment of Intangible Cultural Heritage Value of Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage



Located in the town of Dongxiao in Miaoli County, Baishatun is a small coastal village. Like other seaside settlements in Taiwan, agriculture and fishing are the main sources of livelihood; residents also worship the goddess Matsu. Each year, the Baishatun Matsu makes a pilgrimage to Beikang; this is what is considered the Baishatun Matsu incense-offering ritual. This annual event is a longstanding one and steeped in tradition. The believers walk and offer incense; the route of the ritual is different each year as it is "as per instructed by the goddess". The intangible cultural heritage benefits brought about by the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage cannot be measured by the regular market goods prices; it can only be calculated using non-market good assessment methods. The Baishatun Matsu's incense promotion activity is to maintain its non-use value and use value through Pilgrimage activities. Which means that the Pilgrims (who have use value) maintain the non-use values of the non-users (non-Pilgrims). Consequently, the travel cost method has become the assessment method for evaluating non-use value of intangible cultural heritage. The Travel Cost Method (TCM) generally cannot assess non-use value. However, only if the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage keep on conduct, the use value could have connected with option value, existence value and bequest value, the nonuse value. This article uses the Travel Cost Method (TCM) to evaluate the intangible cultural heritage benefits of the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage activity, and creates a new benefit evaluation aspect of the travel cost method. Moreover, the study uses TCM to assess the intangible cultural heritage benefits of the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage and combines it with the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) to understand the proportion of six major values: "spiritual satisfaction", "passing the torch", "leisure and tourism", "hometown sense of belonging", "physical and mental exercise", and "emotional exchange" in the hearts of the ritual participants to come up with the benefits brought about by the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage. The study uses the travel cost method as a base and utilizes the truncated Poisson model as the analytical tool to calculate the consumer surplus (CS) of ritual participants. Results show that, combined with the proportion obtained from the multi-criteria decision-making method, the direct use value of each person each time is NT$ 17,623 and non-direct use value is NT$ 30,174. What makes this different from the other studies is that the use of the multi-criterion decision-making (MCDM) weights with the assessment results of the travel cost method (TCM) to estimate indirect use value, which negated the limitation of the travel cost method only being able to calculate direct value. It is hoped that the results of this study may serve an important reference for Baishatun Gong-Tian Temple or government agencies in making policies for the protection and preservation of intangible cultural heritage.


苗栗縣通霄鎮的白沙屯,是一個濱海小村落,和臺灣其他臨海聚落一樣,以農漁業為主要的經濟方式,供奉媽祖為守護神。每年,白沙屯媽祖都會前往北港進香,是為白沙屯媽祖進香活動。白沙屯媽祖進香活動歷史悠久,且承襲傳統,以徒步進香為主,進香路線不固定具有「以媽祖旨意為依歸」的獨特性。白沙屯媽祖進香活動之無形文化遺產效益無法使用一般財貨市場交易價格衡量,必須使用非市場財貨評估法來加以估算,其中非使用價值一般而言並無法使用旅行成本法(travel cost method, TCM) 評估,但白沙屯媽祖進香活動在繞境之中同時能維繫其各項非使用價值與使用價值,本文利用旅行成本法來評估白沙屯媽祖進香活動之無形文化遺產效益,開創旅行成本法的新的效益評估面向,並結合多準則決策理論(multi-criteria decision-making, MCDM)來瞭解「心靈滿足」、「薪火相傳」、「休閒與觀光」、「家鄉歸屬感」、「身心鍛鍊」、「情感交流」這六大價值在進香客心目中的比重,再分別算出其為白沙屯媽祖進香活動帶來的效益。本研究結合白沙屯媽祖繞境以進香行動維繫無形文化遺產的特性,及嘗試以五年為旅行成本法之評估周期,讓旅行成本法適用於評估無形文化遺產。本文以旅行成本法為基礎,使用截斷Poisson模型為分析工具,計算出進香客的消費者剩餘(consumer surplus, CS),結合多準則決策之權重可算出每人每次之直接使用價值為17,623元,非直接使用價值為30,174元。實證結果亦發現白沙屯媽祖繞境之文化效益高,期望本文結果可為白沙屯拱天宮或公部門在保護、傳承此一無形文化遺產的政策選擇時提供參考。


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