  • 期刊


Constructing a Value Chain for the Orchid Industry from the Perspective of Government Subsidy Schemes




This study reviews the value chain literature and government-sponsored programs related to the orchid industry and related industries and extracts the value innovation types of each program to construct a value chain for Taiwan's orchid industry. In addition, this study uses correspondence analysis to compare different types of applicants and different time periods to understand the trends in the allocation of government resources to promote orchid-related research and the distribution of resources. The research samples for this study were drawn from three major databases: the Government Research Bulletin Research Project, the Ministry of Science and Technology Grant Research Project and the Agricultural Project Management System of the Council of Agriculture from 1991 to 2020, which contained a total of 2,809 projects. The study finally concluded with the identification of six main value activities and six supporting value activities in the value chain of the orchid industry, and further details of innovation under each thematic framework. The results of the correspondence analysis showed that the research institutions had the widest range of value innovation activities. The education system focused on value innovation activities such as "genetic engineering research", "production technology", "orchid extraction and value-added applications", etc., while the government agencies and not-for-profit promotion organizations focused on innovation in management knowledge such as "marketing management" and "industrial structure improvement". As to the industry, it has applied for innovations in "genetic engineering research" and "value-added applications of orchid extraction". In addition, a cross-period comparison showed that the main value innovation activities were focused on "genetic engineering research" in the early stages and "variety improvement and breeding", "marketing management", and "production technology" in the middle and late stages. Supporting value activities have only recently begun to be emphasized with "industrial structure improvement" and "orchid extraction and value-added applications" as their main axes of innovations. The value chain of the orchid industry constructed in this study can be used as a reference for government policy formulation, project subsidies, and practical management of enterprises.


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