  • 期刊

臺灣地區百慕達草(Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.)種內變異之研究

Intraspecific Variation of Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) in Taiwan


為探討臺灣地區百慕達草(Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.)之種內變異情形,以為將來種源保存及因應不同目的之育種需要,於1990年11月至1991年3月間至臺灣21個地區蒐集原野地生長之百慕達草,種植於臺中縣新社鄉,1991年6月採取其第二次蘖芽鮮重相當之二節苗,種植於盛裝1公升之95%河砂與5%腐質土混合之介質的15cm×13cm塑膠盆中,60天後進行植物形態之調查,估算各種性狀之族群平均值及變異,並以多變數變方分析及判別分析進行群間比較。其結果摘要如下: 1.臺灣地區參試的21個百慕達草族群各性狀之平均值與相關均具有顯著性差異存在。 2.以多變數變方分析統計,結果顯示21個族群間除了新店與寶山、北門與南化、南化與玉井、太保與墾丁、臺東與東河、鳳林與吉安、鳳林與富里、吉安與富里等族群間無顯著性差異外,其他各族群間均具顯著性差異。 3.在判別分析中,由第一判別函數與第二判別函數及第一與第三判別函數所構成的形心位置中發現,21個百慕達草族群約略可以分成三群。


百慕達草 種內變異


The purpose of present experiment is to evaluate intraspecific variation of Bermuda grass in Taiwan for germplasm conservation and breeding program A number of wild-type grasses were collected from 21 different locations during November 1990 to March 1991. The plants were cultivated in the nursery at Taiwan seed improvement and propagation station. The stocks were cut into pices with two node and planted into the plastic pot. After six moths, the agronomic characteristics and morphological traits were investigated 1. All of the agronomic characters showed significantly differences among the 21 populations of grasses. 2. The results from multivariance analysis showed that Hsin-dien between Pao-shan, Pei-men between Nan-hua, Nan-hua be-tween Yuh-ching, Tai-pao between Tung-ho, Fong-lin between Chi-an, Fong-lin between Fu-li, Chi-an between Fu-li gave no significant differences. But, the rest populations had significant differences. 3. The discriminant analysis was used for the identification of 21 different populations, all of the grasses could be c1assified into three groups according to the first and second discriminant function which a centroid was constructer.
