  • 期刊


Difference of the Absorption of Various Heavy Metals by Hydroponic Curled Pak-Choi


由於持續主業化之影響,近年來環境污染問題日益受到重視。而隨著國人生活水準的提高,對飲食衛生、安全方面的要求也跟著提高。蔬菜為人們日常生活重要的食物之一,能提供包括蛋白質、醣類、維生素、礦物質、膳食纖維等之營養及保健成份,維持人體生理機能之正常運作。本研究以蔬菜的水耕栽培作為模式,利用含有不同重金屬(Cu、Cd、As、Pb、Hg、Zn)濃度之培養液栽植皺葉白菜,探討蔬菜對不同重金屬吸收的差異性。水耕培養液中分別加入含有10^(-4)與10^(-6)M濃度的各個重金屬元素,種植皺葉白菜30天後分析蔬菜根、莖、葉各部位重金屬的含量。結果發現蔬菜根部的重金屬元素含量均較莖、葉為多,其在根部之含量多寡依序為Cu、Cd、Zn、Hg、As、Pb,而在莖部和葉部之含量多寡順序,則分別為As、Hg、Zn、Cu、Cd、的和Zn、As、Cu、Hg、Cd、Pb。同時葉部的相對含水率,卻會隨著根部重金屬含量的增加而呈現有減少的情形。因此累積於蔬菜根部的高量元素可能會形成重金屬壓力(heavy metal stress),干擾蔬菜自根部至莖、葉的水份與養份傳送機制,使得莖、葉中的重金屬含量與葉片中的相對含水率減少。


重金屬 吸收 蔬菜 水耕法


The issues concernig environmental pollution and food hygiene have become more and more important Vegetables supply important nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers for human health. In this research, effects of various concentrations of Cu, Cd, As, Pb, Hg, Zn on the heavy metal absorption of vegetable were studied. Each element was prepared at concentrations of 10^(-4) and 10^(-6) M in hydroponic culture solution, and culred Pak-Choi was hydroponics-cultured for 30 days and element contents of roots, stems, leaves were analyzed. Resu1ts showed that roots accumulated elements more abundant than stems and leaves, and the contents were in a decending order of Cu, Cd, Zn, Hg, As, Pb. On the other hand, the contents orders in stems and leaves were As, Hg, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn, As, Cu, Hg, Cd, Pb, respectively. The relative water content in leaves decreased with the increase of the heavy metal contents in roots. The effect of heavy metal stress occurred in roots might disturb the transport system of water and nutrients in vegetable, and decrease the accumulation of elements and the relative water content in leaves.


heavy metals absorption vegetable hydroponics
