  • 期刊


A Study to the Influence of Flower Color and Fragrance Attributes on Consumer Floral Buying Intention


本研究旨在探討不同社經階層(socio-demographics)的消費者對花卉外在的顏色屬性與香味屬性的認知程度,並分析消費者對此外在屬性的評估對其花卉商品購買意願之影響。實證資料係以問卷為測量工具,採自我評量與實物評估並行的方式,於美國坎薩斯州曼哈頓(Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A.)地區進行抽樣,蒐集各相關變項資料。全體樣本為542人,可供分析樣本為523人。自我評量的實證數據經變異數分析(analysis of variance)與Duncan多重比較分析(Duncan's multiple range test)結果顯示,受試者均視顏色與香味為選購花卉時的重要參考屬性,但各年齡層對此二屬性的重要性有顯著性的認知差距,14歲以下的受試者對香味的重視遠甚於對顏色之重視,18歲後的消費者則認為顏色屬性遠比香味屬性重要,此認知上的轉變約發生於14-18歲階段。實物評佔測試則以Fishbein及Ajzen的信仰(belief)、態度(attitude)、意願(intention)與行為(behavior)之相對理論(合理行為理論,reasoned-action theory)為問卷架構,七刻度的Osgood語意測試技術為測量刻度,並利用複廻歸分析(multiple regression analysis)技術,建立不同年齡族群的購買意願廻歸曲線模型,以檢定消費者對顏色與香味的屬哇評估如何影響其對花卉商品的購買意願,結果顯示就受試者對花卉商品的購買意願而言,香味屬性的重要性遠甚於顏色屬性。


購買意願 屬性 態度 花卉市場 認知


This study researches the effect of flower color and fragrance attributes on consumer floral buying intention. The recognitions of different socio-demograpic groups to the color and fragrance attributes of floral crops and the effect of sense stimulation from these two attributes on consumer floral buying intention were evaluated. A total of 542 subjects were sampled from Manhattan of Kansas State in U.S.A, 523 were valid for statistical analysis. Data were collected via self-evaluation and sample evaluation experiment with questionnaire survey techniques. Both self-evaluation and sample evaluation were designed with the theoretical background of reasoned action theory proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen. Bipolar Osgood-semantic-differential-scale was used as measuring in this study. Statistical techniques including analysis of variance, Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. Self-evaluation shows subjects all recognized color and fragrance as important attributes for floral crops. Subjects under 14 years old recognized fragrance attribute as more important than color attribute for floral crops, the reverse was true for the subjects of 18 years old or older. Data from evaluation experiment were analyzed with multiple regression analysis for examining the effect of color and fragrance perception on subjects' buying intention to floral crops. It shows subjects' buying intention to floral crops was more stimulated by their perception to the fragrance attribute, rather than by their perception to the color attribute, this result is different from that of the elder subjects' self-evaluation that fragrance attribute was more important for their floral purchase decision, thus olfactory perception stirred via floral fragrance seems have an ”unconscious” effect on subjects' buying intention to floral crops.


