  • 期刊

蚜蟲類食餌及溫度對狹翅褐蛉(Micromus timidus Hagen)發育之影響

The Effects of Various Aphid Preys and Temperatures on the Development of Micromus Timidus Hagen


狹翅褐蛉(Micromus timidus Hagen)的幼蟲及成蟲皆具有捕食多種蚜蟲的能力,為本土重要捕食性天敵。本研究評估狹翅褐蛉對不同蚜蟲之捕食潛力,及於不同定溫下對其發育之影響。自褐蛉初孵化幼蟲開始分別提供大豆蚜(Aphis glycines Matsumura)、夾竹桃蚜(Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe)、棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)、桃蚜(Myzus persicae(Sulzer))及偽菜蚜(Lipaphis erysimi(Kaltenbach))等五種蚜蟲食餌,結果顯示除供食偽菜蚜處理組無法完成生活史,於蛻皮前即全數死亡外,供食其餘四種蚜蟲者皆能發育至成蟲。其中供食大豆蚜、棉蚜及桃蚜等處理,發育至成蟲僅需約12日,而供食大豆蚜及桃蚜處理組,褐齡幼蟲平均存活率可達90%以上;供食此四種蚜蟲發育後之雌成蟲的平均壽命(介於60.5至71.8日)、一生總產卵量(介於1130.3至1404.1粒)及其子代平均孵化率(介於62.7至80.5%)彼此間皆無顯著差異。另於15、20、25及30℃等四種定溫處理下,以大豆蚜為食,卵發育至成蟲之總發育時間分別需50.6、22.8、15.7及13.0日,20及25℃下存活率則皆可達70%以上,褐蛉發育速率(D)與溫度(T)之直線廻歸模式為D(T)=0.0039T-0.0373,發育臨界溫度為9.6℃,有效總積溫為256.4日度。狹翅褐蛉對於多種蚜蟲均具有捕食能力,且成蟲期捕食量大亦具備良好的繁殖潛能,相當適合應用於蚜蟲類害蟲之生物防治,室內大量繁殖以大豆蚜及桃蚜等食餌,並將溫度設定在20至25℃間可達較佳飼育狀態,相關結果可供此天敵未來室內量產及應用於生物防治之參考。


Micromus timidus Hagen is one of the native natural enemies in Taiwan, and predator of many aphid species in both larval and adult stages. In this study, we documented the effect of prey types and temperatures on the development of M. timidus. Five species of aphids evaluated for establishing life history baseline information were, Aphis glycines Matsumura, A. nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe, A. gossypii Glover, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), respectively. None of the larvae fed with L. erysimi survived till 2nd instar. M. timidus fed with A. glycines, A. nerii and A. gossypii took about 12 days to complete their development from larval to adult stage. Survival rate of M. timidus in A. glycines and M. persicae treatments both were higher than 90%. There were no significant differences found between four prey types on M. timidus female reproductive traits. The average female longevity was between 60.5 to 71.8 days. The average fecundity ranged from 1130.3 to 1404.1 eggs per female. Offspring hatchability was between 62.7 to 80.5%. The relationship between development rate (D) and temperature (T) was shown in linear regression equation: D(T)=0.0039T−0.0373. The development periods of M. timidus fed with A. glycines from egg to adult were 50.6, 22.8, 15.7 and 13.0 days at 15, 20, 25 and 30℃, respectively. Survival rate was higher than 70% at both 20 and 25℃. The lower threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature for M. timidus were 9.6℃ and 256.4 degree-day, respectively. Results showed that M. timidus has high reproductive and control potential in both larval and adult stages against several aphid species. For better mass rearing condition, choosing A. glycines and M. persicae as preys and temperature set up at 20-25 ℃ w ere recommended.
