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Evaluation of the trapping effectiveness for the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), using guava fruit net-bags and victor fly traps in mango orchards


於嘉義番路、中埔及台南楠西,進行番石榴果實網袋包與渦旋式誘蠅器在芒果園誘殺東方果實蠅之效果評估。在嘉義番路芒果園試區,番石榴網袋包平均所誘集之東方果實蠅( Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) )雌蟲數較雄蟲數為多(♀:♂=2.54 (2000年) 或2.11 (2002 年)) ,而渦旋式誘蠅器則只能誘捕大量雄蟲(平均每週每器約950 隻至3000 隻) ,另在台南楠西試區亦有類似調查結果。綜合分析嘉義番路、中埔及台南楠西各試區結果,得悉以番石榴網袋包配合渦旋式誘蠅器來誘殺東方果實蠅,可顯著降低芒果之果實被害率。另分析果實被害度之結果,除在較鄰近之嘉義番路對照區外,其餘試驗對照區之果實被害度均較有懸掛網袋包之試驗區為高,由此證實番石榴果實網袋包對東方果實蠅具有良好誘引及防治效果。


On average, more females of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), than males ((♀ : ♂= 2.54 in 2000 or 2.11 in 2002) were trapped using the guava-sticky-bag (GSB), which was wrapped with yellow sticky paper on a guava fruit net-bag in a mango orchard at Fan-Lu, Chiayi. A great number of males which may have been attracted from outside of the orchard were also trapped by the Victor fly trap (about 950-3000 per trap per week), and a similar result was obtained in a test orchard at Nan-Shi, Tainan. Data pooled from the result of Fan-Lu and Chung-Pu in Chiayi and Nan-Shi in Tainan showed that the percentage of damaged mango fruit significantly decreased by trapping the Oriental fruit fly using GSBs and Victor fly traps. Data on the analysis of the degree of damaged fruit showed that the plot without hanging GSBs had a significantly higher degree of damaged fruit than the plot with hanging GSBs except for one CK plot at Fan-Lu, Chiayi. This experiment also shows that the GSB has high trapping effectiveness for the Oriental fruit fly.
