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黑角舞蛾(Lymantria xylina Swinhoe)之性費洛蒙誘餌及誘蟲器

Sex pheromone lure and trap designs for trapping casuarina moth, Lymantria xylina Swinhoe


近年來,黑角舞蛾於台灣中部八卦山地區大發生,並肆虐危害多種果樹與林木。本研究欲研發黑角舞蛾性費洛蒙誘餌製劑及誘捕系統,以供田間應用。將由靜宜大學合成的黑角舞蛾性費洛蒙cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyleicosane,以200-1,000 μg不同劑量裝載於塑膠小管,經於八卦山國家風景區內進行對黑角舞蛾雄成蟲之誘引力試驗,結果顯示黑角舞蛾合成性費洛蒙以200或500 μg劑量裝載於塑膠小管之製劑即有優異的誘引力,約為單隻雌當量的9倍以上,其持效力約可達2個月。比較不同批次合成的性費洛蒙對黑角舞蛾之誘引力,結果顯示2006年合成的性費洛蒙製劑的誘引效果明顯優於2005年合成者,是否因儲存時間致合成性費洛蒙活性降低有待探討。初步試驗黑角舞蛾性費洛蒙之有效距離約可達40m。自製2000 ml有4個3 cm^2開口的寶特瓶誘蟲器,較1250 ml大小有4或8個開口的寶特瓶誘蟲器對黑角舞蛾有較多誘蟲數;商品化上衝式鐘型誘蟲器的誘捕效果亦不差。試驗離地1、2及3 m不同高度的誘蟲盒之誘捕效果,結果顯示三種不同高度都有良好的誘蟲效果。由2006年彰化八卦山國家風景區利用性費洛蒙誘捕黑角舞蛾雄成蟲之族群密度變動情形,顯示五月上旬即有雄成蟲羽化出現,族群密度的高峰期為5/11-6/12約一個月的期間,七月以後即無雄成蟲羽化出現;而且2006年黑角舞蛾族群密度較2005年者有下降趨勢。未來有關黑角舞蛾性費洛蒙之相關技術有待持續研究,以改進性費洛蒙利用之有效性、方便性及經濟性。


黑角舞蛾 性費洛蒙 誘蟲器


Recently, casuarina moth, Lymantria xylina Swinhoe become serious in Ba-gua-shan area of central Taiwan, and has caused heavy damage to many fruit trees and forest trees. The aim of this study is to research and develop sex pheromone lures and trap designs for trapping the casuarinas moths. The results showed that the formulation of 0.2 or 0.5 mg of synthetic sex pheromone, cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyleicosane impregnated in polyethylene microtube was better in attractiveness than the other formulations, and its effectiveness was more than 9 folds of the virgin female, and could last two months. But, the sex pheromone synthesized in 2006 was significantly better in attractiveness than that of synthesized in 2005. The preliminary test results revealed that the effective distance of sex pheromone lure reached about 40 meters. The handmade trap consisting of 2000 ml Coca cola bottle with 4 opening of 3 cm^2 was more suitable for trapping the moths than other tested trap designs. The commercialized dome-shaped trap with up entrance is also good for trapping the moths. The trap heights of 1, 2, and 3 meters showed no significant difference in capturing the moths. The trapping data showed that the male moths of L. xylina appeared in early-May, and reached higher population density during middle-May to middle-June, and ending after July. The population density of the moth in 2006 was decrease compared to that of 2005.


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