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  • OpenAccess

The EPR of the Electronic Forbidden Transitions of Cr^(3+) in Axial Crystal Fields


We have made an experimental study on the EPR of the electronic forbidden transitions of Cr^(3+) in single crystals of alums. Electronic forbidden transitions of the types ΔSz = ±2 and ΔSz = ±3 were observed and discussed. We have .studied both the theoretical and the experimental aspects on the angular variation of the Cr^(3+) forbidden fine-structure as the magnetic field was rotated from an orientation parallel to the symmetry axis of the Cr^(3+) to an orientation perpendicular to the symmetry axis. The experimental results indicates that when the magnetic field is parallel to the symmetry axis all three forbidden transitions have vanishing intensities, and when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the symmetry axis, the two forbidden transitions of the type ΔSz = f-2 have vanishing intensities, but the forbidden transition of the type ΔSz = ±3 has a non-vanishing intensity.


