  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Simulation of the Electrostatic Cyclotron Instability in 1-D Cylindrical Geometry


Electrostatic noise generated by the electrostatic cyclotron instability is simulated on an annular electron beam in 1-D cylindrical geometry. Results shown that 1). The growth rate of the noise wave of the lowest order mode is in agreement with linear theory. 2). The saturation levels are in quantitative agreement with the result of simulation in Cartesian geometry up to the same order of magnitude. 3). The dc space charge field has little effect on the saturation levels, but is very important in defining the lower limit of the initial level of the electrostatic perturbation. Thus the dc space charge effect is critical to whether and when the saturation will be reached. In addition, we have presented a functional dependence of the saturation parameters (WE/WO, <Δγ>/γo -1 and ts/τc at saturation) on the beam's parameters (β⊥, πpe/ωc) by a series of simulations.


