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High-Field MRI of Brain Activation and Connectivity


The research is to develop advanced high-field MRI technologies for the study of brain activation and functional connectivity. The specific aims of this research are: 1. Develop effective and reliable functional MRI techniques through mapping of sensory functions; 2. Develop rat model to correlate fMRI contrast with electrophysiological activity in the fore-brain; 3. Develop diffusion tensor MRI techniques to reconstruct cerebral white matter trajectories. We have successfully achieved the specific aims to develop effective and reliable functional MRI techniques for both human and animal studies; Correlative studies have been successfully done with multiple channel ensemble single-unit recording and fMRI activation pattern. As for the connectivity imaging, we have implemented and validated the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as well as diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) to reveal the fiber connectivity and cytostructure imaging of the brain activation. Applied these techniques, one can study the brain function with fMRI, diffusion spectrum brain connectivity/cytostructure imaging and simultaneous fMRI and electrophysiological activations recording in the same lab. This opens up a possible avenue for us to monitor the dynamic change of neuronal structure and connectivity caused by brain lesions or associated learning experiences.




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