  • 期刊


The Chunqiu, the Gongyang School and the Construction of Ci Poetry in the Late Qing




There is a famous saying about ci poetry in the Qing: "Ci 詞originated from the Gongyang 公羊." The person who said this is unknown, but it was likely spoken by someone who perceived various similarities between the rhetorical strategies employed in the Chunqiu春秋, the Gongyang school of exegesis and Changzhou 常州 ci poetry. In this regard, statecraft and the rhetoric of "subtlety" probably weighed heavily on Tan Xian's 譚獻 (1832-1901) mind when he considered the connection between Confucian discourse and literature. This not only reveals the influence of New Text Confucianism in the late Qing, but also indicates that Gongyang scholars took participation in social and political affairs as their ultimate concern.


唐圭璋編(2012)。詞話叢編。北京=Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua shuju。
唐圭璋編(2012)。詞話叢編。北京=Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua shuju。
阮元校刻(2000)。十三經注疏附校勘記。北京=Beijing:北京大學出版社=Beijing daxue chubanshe。
司馬遷(1963)。史記。北京=Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua shuju。
阮元校刻(2000)。十三經注疏附校勘記。北京=Beijing:北京大學出版社=Beijing daxue chubanshe。
