  • 期刊


Circulation and Construction of Religious Themes in Contemporary Chinese Works by Tibetan Writers Tashi Dawa, A Lai, and Tsering Norbu




藏族漢語作家 宗教 神話


After the Opening of China in 1978, Tibetan writer Tashi Dawa wrote the short story "Tibet: A Soul Knotted on a Leather Thong 西藏,繫在皮繩結上的魂." Since then, Tibetan writers have established distinctive ethnic literary characteristics in their Chinese-language writings. The novelist A Lai, who won great fame in the 1990s through his work After the Dust Settled 塵埃落定, and Tsering Norbu, who attracted attention for his short story "The Sheep Released to Life 放生羊," in turn became representative ethnic voices in Tibetan Chinese literature. Although these three writers have the same Tibetan cultural heritage, they have taken different approaches to their works. Whether they are forced or willing to write about Tibetan national themes, these contemporary Tibetan writers of Chinese literature have overcome language barriers and have "translated" religious cultures, hidden behind political restrictions, into the focus of their fictional narratives. While the three writers have taken disparate narrative strategies in three different periods, their backgrounds are rooted in the Tibetan cultural spirit, which is derived from both "the mythological" and "the human."


Tibetan Chinese writers religion myths


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小雨 Xiao Yu,〈阿來的光榮與夢想〉“A Lai de guangrong yu mengxiang”,《人物雜誌》Renwu zazhi,7,北京 Beijing:2005,頁 35-39。
扎西達娃 Zhaxidawa,〈朝佛〉“Chao Fo”,《西藏文藝》Xizang wenyi,4,拉薩Lasa:1980,頁 3-9。
扎西達娃 Zhaxidawa,《夏天酸溜溜的日子》Xiatian suanliuliu de rizi,臺北 Taipei:三民書局Sanmin shuju,1990。
扎西達娃 Zhaxidawa,《騷動的香巴拉》Saodong de Xiangbala,北京 Beijing:作家出版社 Zuojia chubanshe,1993。
