  • 期刊


The Literary-Historical and Bibliographical Significance of Banri Shukyu's Chochuko: A Japanese Commentary on Huang Tingjian from the Muromachi Period


在日本室町時代的五山禪林,北宋詩人黃庭堅(1045-1105)深受推崇,產生了幾部由僧人編撰的山谷詩注(即「山谷抄」)。其中,萬里集九(1428-1507?) 所編《帳中香》是最重要的成果之一。此書卷帙浩繁,旁徵博引,不僅是對前人舊說的集成,且也遍考經史子集,參照了許多漢籍和佛典。在如此龐大的學術資料的基礎上,萬里集九對山谷詩進行闡釋,並提出了自己的見解。本文通過考察其注釋方法和講解評論,將《帳中香》這一詩學文獻的特色概括如下:(1)對篇章結構的細緻分析;(2)對山谷詩句法的討論;(3)禪宗思維下的詩歌理解;(4)豐富的圖像利用;(5)以與日本相關之話題所作的補綴說明。《帳中香》為解讀山谷詩開拓了與中國舊注不同的新視野,具有較高的文獻價值。


The Northern Song poet Huang Tingjian 黃庭堅 was much venerated during the Muromachi period by the monks of the Five Zen Temples (Gozan), who compiled a number of commentaries on his verse (known as "Sankoku sho"). One of the most important of these works was Banri Shukyu's Chochuko (Fragrance Behind the Screen). This is a compendious work brimming with valuable citations; it not only requotes the annotations of previous scholars, but further draws widely from the classics, histories, philosophers, literary collections of the past, as well as the Buddhist canon. Using this vast textual corpus as a foundation, Banri Shukyu proceeds to present his own original views on Huang's poetry throughout the text. In this article, I conduct a detailed study of the Chochuko's methodology as well as its explications of Huang's poems, identifying the following features of the text's poetic criticism: (1) a detailed structural analysis of poems in their entirety; (2) an examination of individual lines in Huang's poetry; (3) an interpretation of poems in terms of Zen Buddhism; (4) an extensive use of illustrations; and (5) the introduction of topics related to Japan. In short, the Chochuko has considerable value for literary history because of its original interpretations of Huang's poetry, which differ markedly from those of earlier Chinese commentaries.


山中延之 Yamanaka Nobuyuki、蔦清行 Tsuta Kiyoyuki,〈古活字版『帳中香』カナ抄集成〉“Kokatsujiban Chochuko kana sho shusei”,《京都大学國文學論叢》Kyoto daigaku kokubungaku ronso,33,京都 Kyoto:2015,頁 15-54。doi: 10.14989/197918
方回 Fang Hui 選評,李慶甲 Li Qingjia 集評校點,《瀛奎律髓彙評》Yingkui lüsui huiping 中冊,上海 Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai guji chubanshe,1986。
正受 Zhengshou 撰,秦瑜 Qin Yu 點校,《嘉泰普燈錄》Jiatai pudenglu 上冊,上海 Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai guji chubanshe,2014。
吉藏 Jizang,《仁王般若經疏》Renwang bore jingshu,《大正新脩大藏經》Taisho shinshu Daizokyo 第 33 冊,東京 Tokyo:大正一切經刊行會 Taisho issaikyo kankokai,1926。
佚名 Yiming,《新編排韻增廣事類氏族大全》Xinbian paiyun zengguang shilei shizu daquan,《日本五山版漢籍善本集刊》Riben Wushanban Hanji shanben jikan 第 6 冊,重慶 Chongqing:西南師範大學出版社 Xinan shifan daxue chubanshe;北京 Beijing:人民出版社 Renmin chubanshe,2012。
