  • 期刊


Early Stand Growth of Swietenia, Pterocarpus and Araucaria Plantations on Jiujiu Farm Forest


本研究以高雄縣阿蓮鄉九鬮農場平地造林地的大葉桃花心木、印度紫檀以及小葉南洋杉林分為研究對象,利用12個大型樣區每木調查資料以及樣區標準木樹幹解析資料,探討造林木的生長以及林分初期的發展資訊。研究結果顯示:阿蓮鄉九鬮農場大葉桃花心木、印度紫檀以及小葉南洋杉平地造林木的實際年齡為7年,年平均胸高直徑生長量與高生長量為大葉桃花心木1.35cm/yr與1.27m/yr、印度紫檀1.13cm/yr與0.83m/yr、小葉南洋杉0.86cm/yr與0.49m/yr,年平均生物量增加率三者各為5.34、1.81以及0.53 ton/ha/yr。大葉桃花心木的樹高為胸高直徑的指數函數,印度紫檀和小葉南洋杉的樹高則為胸高直徑的線性函數。依據林木胸徑、樹高、材積、生物量等指標,皆以大葉桃花心木最優,其次為印度紫檀,最後為小葉南洋杉。


This study aimed to examine the diameter and height growth, biomass and volume stocks, and the dynamic development of afforested stands in agricultural lands. An afforestation forest planted Swietenia macrophlla (Swietenia), Pterocarpus indicus (Pterocarpus), and Araucaria excelsa (Araucaria) in Jiujiu farm that locates on Alian district of Kaohsiung City was used as the example. Results showed that the annual increment of AGB, DBH, and H for Swietenia, Pterocarpus, and Araucaria stands are 5.34, 1.81, 0.53 ton/ha/yr, 1.35, 1.13, 0.86 cm/yr, and 1.27, 0.83, 0.49 m/ yr. Based on the generalized growth rate of AGB, DBH, and H parameters of the afforestation stands, it is concluded that the Swietenia has the best early growth followed by the Pterocarpus and then the Araucaria.