  • 期刊


The Study of Vegetation in Shihbaluohanshan Natural Reserve Area


本研究調查十八羅漢山自然保護區植物種類、植群與環境相關性。共設置24個樣區,維管束植物計101科355屬512種,其中蕨類有57種、種子植物455種。稀有植物計19種,其中嚴重瀕臨滅絕者為少葉薑(Zingiber oligophyllum)、多花山柑(Capparis floribunda)、臺灣牆草(Parietaria taiwania)、鈍葉朝顏(Argyreia formosana)、寬葉母草(Lindernia nummularifolia)、田代氏鼠尾草(Salvia tashiroi)、里龍山水竹葉(Murdannia taiwanensis var. lilungensis)。影響植群分布顯著環境因子為地形位置、海拔高、坡度、含石率及土壤質地。本區植群經雙向指標種分析後可分為黃荊-土密樹型、黃豆樹-紅皮型、荔枝型、江某-水錦樹型及稜果榕型等5型。建議自然保護區內可設置永久監測樣區,以便後續之保育研究。


The purpose of this study was inventoried flora, vegetation types and relationship of vegetation and environment in Shihbaluohanshan natural reserve area. The study was sampled 24 woody plots. There were vascular plants of 101 family 355 genus 512 species recorded in the floristic, which were 57 species of fern, 455 species of seed plants and 19 species of rare plant. The category was critically endangered species, that was Zingiber oligophyllum. Capparis floribunda, Parietaria taiwania, Argyreia formosana, Lindernia nummularifolia, Salvia tashiroi Murdannia taiwanensis var. lilungensis. Environment factor of altitude, slope, rock, topographic position and soil texture, that was effected distribution of vegetation. By using two way indicator species analysis of plot data, the vegetation could be divided into Vitex negundo-Bridelia tomentosa type, Albizia procera-Styrax suberifolia type, Litchi chinensis type, Schefflera octophylla-Wendlandia uvariifolia type, and Ficus septica type. We suggested the issue that the permanent monitor plots were established for later studies, and appropriate conservation management had also been suggested.


