  • 期刊


Study on the Genetic Diversity of Amentotaxus Formosana Li in Chachayalai Mountain


穗花杉屬(Amentotaxus)植物在第三紀及第四紀的冰川時期,經過頻繁的族群擴增與縮減,本屬植物分佈於中國大陸南部、台灣的南部及越南。台灣穗花杉(Amentotaxus formosana Li)為公告珍貴稀有之特有植物,以小族群分離散布於台灣南部,其生育地皆列為保護區,因此有必要進行本物種之遺傳多樣性評估。本研究之台灣穗花杉植物樣本,取自於茶茶牙賴山區,使用磁珠富集法(magnetic bead enrichment method),進行台灣穗花杉2單位(AG)和(AC)重複微衛星體基因座選殖,經過203個選殖片段定序分析,在50個微衛星體基因座中共有17組可以得到穩定結果,有3組微衛星體基因座具有多型性,多型性比例僅17.65%,多型性比例低。後續將進行3單位(TCC)和(TTG)重複微衛星體基因座選殖與多型性測試。多型性微衛星體基因座的分子標記能提供族群結構及族群數量演化史(demograpbic history)之有力證據,對於台灣穗花杉的保育工作有極大助益。


In Tertiary and Quaternary, the genus of Amentotaxus was circle population expansion and contraction over periodical glaciations. In the present age, these descendants of Amentotaxus genus were distributed within restricted regions of Southern China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Amentotaxus formosana Li is a rare and endemic species in Southern Taiwan. It is a critically endangered species in the world, all individuals protected by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Law in Taiwan, and its habitats protected as the Nature Reserve Areas. Therefore, to evaluate the genetic variation is an important thing to understand the genetic diversity of this species. In this study, we used the magnetic bead enrichment method to build the AG and AC enriched library and sequenced 203 clones isolated from A. formosana. 17 primer sets were stable specific PCR products from 50 prime r sets of microsatellite loci and 3 primer sets were detected polymorphism using 20 individuals for polymorphic test. In the future, we will construct the TCC and TTG enriched library, sequence, and test the polymorphism for population genetics of A. formosana. The polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for A. formosana should provide helpful means to address questions concerning population structure and demographic history of A. formosana for conservation concerning.


