  • 期刊


Growth Characteristics of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys Pubescens) Plantations at Various Altitudes-For Instance in Daan Area, Nantou County


本試驗調查南投縣大鞍地區不同海拔高度(600、800、1000、1200及1400 m)之孟宗竹林林分,以及新生竹生長情形,調查項目包括林分密度、胸徑、竹高及枝下高等,並估算林分的生物量蓄積。林分生長調查結果顯示,林分密度大致為5,333~6,900支ha^(-1)之間,胸徑介於6.3~10.1 cm,竹高介於8.8~12.7 m,枝下高介於3.4~6.4 m,林分胸徑、竹高及枝下高等皆隨海拔高度上升而增加。林分地上部生物量乾重方面,其竹稈乾重介於26.7~98.7 ton ha^(-1),枝條乾重介於5.9~16.7 ton ha^(-1),竹葉乾重介於1.0~5.2 ton ha-1,地上部總乾重介於33.6~120.7 ton ha^(-1);另外,地下部生物量乾重方面,其鬚根乾重介於5.9~6.2 ton ha^(-1),地下莖乾重介於61.3~64.2 ton ha^(-1),竹頭乾重介於10.5~28.6 ton ha^(-1),地下部總乾重介於78.5~97.7 ton ha^(-1)。生物量隨海拔高度上升而有增加的趨勢,台灣孟宗竹生長於海拔1,000 m以上,生長較佳,尤其以海拔1,400 m處地上部生物量最高。


孟宗竹 海拔高度 密度 生物量


Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) is one of the important species in the world. In this study, we investigated stand density, growth characteristics and biomass of moso bamboo at different altitudes from 600 m to 1,400 m a.s.l. in Daan area, Nantou County. The plantations of moso bamboo had stand densities between 5,333 culms ha^(-1) and 6,900 culms ha^(-1), diameters between 6.3 cm and 10.1 cm, heights between 8.8 m and 12.7 m, and heights at crown base between 3.4 m and 6.4 m. Bamboo biomass was evaluated by allometric models, and indicated that there were the biomass of stems between 26.7-98.7 ton ha^(-1), branches between 5.9- 16.7 ton ha^(-1), leaves between 1.0-5.2 ton ha^(-1) and aboveground biomass between 112.1-218.4 ton ha^(-1) in moso bamboo stands. On the other hand, in underground biomass, the plantations of moso bamboo had the biomass of fine roots between 5.9-6.2 ton ha^(-1), rhizomes between 61.3-64.2 ton ha^(-1), stumps between 10.5-28.6 ton ha^(-1) and total underground biomass between 78.5-97.7 ton ha^(-1). All results indicated that it was a positive effect on diameters, height, height at crown base and biomass in plantations of moso bamboo at different altitudes. Furthermore, there are great growth performances upon 1,000 m a.s.l., especially, the biomass of moso bamboo at the 1,400 m plantation is the highest of all plantations.


Lin, S. J. (2016). 溪頭孟宗竹林之竹桿年齡對蒸散量的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201610179
