  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Formation of Lugu Shiang Tea Producing Area in Taiwan


產地形成是指特定地區運用產地營運機制與產地間競爭策略而促成其產地能有效率的達到高度發展之目標。本研究針對鹿谷鄉茶葉產地,採群組茶葉專家SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)模式分析並整合成策略規劃的發展指標,期能供為鹿谷鄉茶葉產地發展為高度主產地之參考依據。研究結果顯示: 一、鹿谷鄉茶葉產地形成階段性發展層次之定位劃分,依序為「茶葉生產地區」、「茶葉產地」、「茶葉主產地」及「高度茶葉主產地」階段。研究結果顯示鹿谷鄉茶葉產地發展階段之層次,尚未達到第四階段之「高度茶葉主產地」階段。 二、鹿谷鄉茶葉高品質特殊化之S-W策略目標為: (一)應建立茶葉品質商品化的策略目標,此可藉由規劃茶葉併堆技術加以達成。 (二)應訂定產地茶葉品質分級標準化的策略目標,形成促使消費者認同其茶葉確為高品質的市場區隔。 (三)應建立產地的茶葉品質在全國市場上所具有的信譽特殊性。 三、鹿谷鄉全國性品牌特徵化之O-T策略目標為: (一)應提昇其產地品牌達到全國性品牌形象之策略目標,此可規劃藉由結合產地文化與產地休閒等加以形象包裝。 (二)應提高其產地品牌競爭性之策略目標,此可規劃自我品牌發展並進行市場區隔而達成。 (三)應提昇其產地品牌服務形象之策略目標而達成促使消費者對其產地產生品牌的信心、滿意及忠誠。


The formation of a highly developed and competitive tea producing area involves applying specific mechanisms and strategies. The study on the Lugu Shiang Tea Producing Area was conducted using the SWOT-analysis method and defines a development objective aid strategic plan. The analysis and results will be used as a strategic plan for further development of a ”Highly Developed Tea Producing Area”. The results of these studies were as follows: 1. The stages of development of ”Lugu Shiang Tea Producing Area” were ”Tea Producing Site”, ”Tea Producing Area”, ”Major Tea Producing Area” and ”Highly Developed Major Tea Producing Area”. In this study and analysis we found that Lugu Shiang is not a ”Highly Developed Major Tea Producing Area”. 2. The main S-W Strategic Plans for Lugu Shiang to become a ”Highly Developed Tea Specialty Producing Area” are as follows: (1). The standardization of the area's tea quality can be ensured by enhancing research and development in Tea Blending Technology. (2). The Lugu Shiang tea producers should establish their own quality classification grades in concert with consumers to be easily able to identify Lugu Shiang tea quality. (3). The strategic planning of Lugu Shiang tea will be nationwide as a fatuous specialty tea. 3. The main O-T strategic measures will be as follows: (1). The Lugu Shiang Tea brand can be promoted using cultural and recreational activities. This will cause the brand to become familiar to consumers nationwide. (2). The brand strategic planning will be competitive, with Lugu Shiang tea producers enhancing the quality and quantity. The establishment of individually grown local brands will lead to marketing diversification. (3) The Lugu Shiang Specialty Tea brand will have to be marketed as a specialty tea: Consumers will gain confidence, satisfaction and loyalty to the brand when it is established.


南山麻依子(2012)。日本與台灣茶葉產區品牌之建構與區域經濟活化 -以京都府相樂群和束町「和束茶」與南投縣鹿谷鄉「凍頂烏龍茶」比較為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-1007201215365200
