  • 期刊


Quantitative Analysis of Physiological Compound Adenosine in Three Periods from Taiwan's Nervilia Species


本研究主要目的在探討台灣各地區(嘉義、台南、高雄、屏東、南投及花蓮縣)原生脈葉蘭屬植物重要生理活性成分腺苷(adenosine)含量之變化,將各地區脈葉蘭屬植物區分為三個不同生長時期,在八月初(Ⅰ)、九月中(Ⅱ)、十月底(Ⅲ)分別取材料分析比較不同生長時期植株內腺苦含量之變化;將植株分成葉片及地下部球莖兩部分,分別進行HPLC分析腺苷之含量。結果各地區各物種間之腺苷含量隨不同生長時期有所差異。各地區、各時期之葉片腺苷含量以屏東之東亞脈葉蘭(8)第Ⅱ時期最高為0.1%,最低為台南之單花脈葉蘭(14)第Ⅰ時期及南投之古氏脈葉蘭(16)第Ⅰ、Ⅲ時期含量皆為0.01%。地下部球莖腺苷含量則以嘉義之東亞脈葉蘭(8)第Ⅱ時期為0.1%最高,最低為屏東之束亞脈葉蘭(8)第Ⅲ時期及南投之古氏脈葉蘭(16)第Ⅰ時期含量皆為0.01。全株腺苷含量最高為嘉義之東鹽脈葉蘭(5)第Ⅲ時期含量為0.18%最高,為冬蟲夏草(Cordyceps sinensis)腺苷含量0.03%之6倍,而台灣脈葉蘭各物種腺苷含量皆高實具利用價值。


The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of adenosine a physiological activity com pound in Nervilia spp., which is native in Taiwan areas of Chiaya, Tainan, Kaohsiung Pingtung, Nantou and Hualien Nervilta spp. was collected to measure the affect 'growing period' has on changes to adenosine, The quantity of adenosine was analyzed by HPLC, The content of adenosine in Nervilia showed significant difference in different growing areas and different Nervilia species N. plicata, native in Pintung had the highest adenosine content (0.1%) in leaf during the growing stage Ⅱ. Both N. nipponica native in Tainan, and N. cumberlegei, native in Nantou, had the lowest adenosine content (0.01%) in leaf during the growing stage Ⅰ and stage Ⅰ,Ⅲ, respectively. The content of adenosine in corms and rhizomes of Nervilia N. plicata, native in Chiayi, had the highest adenosine content (0.1%) during the stage Ⅰ. Both N. aragona, native in Piutung and N, cumberlegei, native in Nantou, had the lowest adenosine content (0.01%) during the growing stage Ⅲ and stage Ⅰ respectively. The whole plants of N. aragoana native in Chiayi had the highest adenosine content (0.18%) during the growing stage Ⅲ. The adenosine content in N. aragoana (1.8%) is six time higher than in Cordyceps sinensis (0.03%). All the Nervilia species, native in Taiwan, had a high adenosine content and a high potential for valuable medicinal use.
