  • 期刊


Comparison of the Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidative Activities of Germinated Brown Rice Induced by Two Sources of Light


水研究以省產良質米台中秈10號(TCS10)糙米為製備發芽糙米之原料。將糙米置於25℃生長箱中,分別以一般日光燈光(NL)或遠紅外線光(FIR,8~12微米)照射18或21小時後,經冷凍乾燥至水分含量約6%之處理後,置於-18℃冷凍貯藏備用。分別就發芽糙尖之米粒及胚芽部分,探討其組成成分、酵素活性與抗氧化活性變化。 由結果顯示,以FIR照射發芽之胚芽突出較一般光源組為顯著,表示FIR照射處理較NL照射可促便糙米提前發芽。澱粉液化酶之活性均以FIR照射處理較高,且隨照射時間之增加而增加。Aspartic acid、γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA)和lysine等含量經照射處理後皆為之提昇,且以FIR照射組之含量高於一指縫光源(NL)照射組含量:而維生素E含量經兩種光源發芽處理皆降低。 鐵離子螯合能力、清徐DPPH自由基市山青除超氧陰離子自由基能力均以FIR照射組為高,且隨著照射時間增加而逐漸提高。而清除DPPU自由基能力為本試驗中最高之抗氧化能力。


Taichung Sen 10 brown rice was used as a test sample in this study Brown rice was germinated by lighting treatments with either normal light (NL) or Far Infrared Rays (FIR, 8~12μm) for eighteen or twenty-one hoar in a 25℃ growth chambe1 The slightly germinated brown rice (GBR) was then freeze-dried to about 6% water content and stored in a -81℃ freezer for further uses. The kernel and embryo of GBR were evaluated on their physicochemical properties enzyme activities and antioxidative activities respectively. The data showed that the FIR treatments, when compared with NL treatments, indeed enhance the germination processing to occur earlier The α-amylase activities of CBR treated with FIR were higher than those of NL samples, and increased with increasing lighting period. The aspartic acid content, γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA) and lysine were increased significantly after lighting treatments, especially in FIR treatments However, the vitamin FIR decreased during germination processing in both treatments. The chelating abilities the scavenging of DPPH and superoxide radical were all increased after lighting treatments and increased further by increasing lighting time, especially in FIR treated samples. The scavenging of DPPH exhibited the highest antioxidative activities among the examined antioxidative abilities.
