  • 期刊


Development of a High-Quality GABA Tea Processing Machine and its Operation Cost Analysis


佳葉龍茶於1987年由日本津志田藤二郎博士首先研發成功,它具有很良好的保健功效。茶改場於數年前引進此種技術給茶農,但茶農生產佳葉龍茶之方法繁雜且品質參差不齊。有鑑於此,本研究擬研發一套生產高品質佳葉龍茶之產製機械,使茶農可以量產高品質之佳葉龍茶。一方面可以促進國人之身體保健,另一方面可大幅提高茶農之收益,使台茶更具國際競爭力。 研究結果顯示:研發之「佳葉龍茶產製機械」,可綜合厭氧發酵(抽氣與充氮、靜置)與有氧發酵(通氣攪拌、送風與加熱)等許多功用於一體,生產之佳葉龍茶,已具備商品化之條件。佳葉龍茶產製機械進行厭氧3次、有氧2次之作業成本為14.63元/kg,比傳統產製設備者低。若進行厭氧4次、有氧3次之作業成本為19.57元/kg,也比傳統產製設備者低很多。故本機械不但可提昇加工的品質,又可降低其作業之成本,節省不必要之人力浪費,對提高國內市場競爭力與加工業者之收益功能顯著。


GABA tea was first successfully developed in 1987 by Dr. Tsuhida Tohjiro and is very helpful for people wanting to maintain their health. Introduction of this new technology was done by the Tea Research and Extension Station a couple of years ago. In fact, the manufacturing method of the GABA tea in the past was complicated and irregular. This study was intended to develop a set of high-quality to facilitate GABA Tea processing machines to facilitate mass production by tea growers. If those machines are used, the tea production method will be enhaned, and the inconme of tea growers will increase. The results of the study indicated that the developed GABA tea processing machine could integrate the anaerobic and aerobic fermentation during processing procedures. The cost for the GABA tea processing machine to precede 3 times anaerobic and 2 times aerobic fermentation was NT. 14.63/kg, which was lower than that of the traditional machinery. As a matter of fact, the cost for the GABA tea processing machine to precede 4 times anaerobic and 3 times aerobic fermentation was NT. 19.57/kg, which was also lower than that of the traditional one. Therefore, the developed machine could improve the tea quality as well as Reduce the operation cost.


GABA tea Processing machine Operation cost


