  • 期刊


Effect of Vibration on a Counting Module for Adzuki Beans Sowing Devices




Adzuki Bean (Red Bean) is an important economic crop in southern Taiwan, primarily Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. The period during which Adzuki Beans (Red Beans) is planted is during the fall to winter of each year, after the rice has been harvested in summer and before a new crop is seeded in spring. This allows planting from October to January of the next year. Adzuki Bean (Red Bean) mainly supplies the Taiwanese market, but a part is exported to other countries. Since international trade is increasing and the market for farm produce has opened to the world in recent years, large quantities of low priced Adzuki Bean (Red Bean) has been imported into Taiwan. Because Taiwanese product is expensive and the output is unstable, competition has increased, so it is important to reduce the cost of production and increase the efficiency of the crop. In this study, a self-developed monitoring system is installed on the sowing device, which is produced by a domestic agricultural machinery manufacturer, to test the monitoring system. The sowing device and the self-developed monitoring system are mounted together on the vibration generator and the vibration simulator is initiated. The sowing device and monitoring system stay in an environment of vibration. For different experimental settings for the mode of vibration, the speed of sowing, the frequency and amplitude of vibration, the experiment records the number of speeds sowed on a display. The number of seeds sowed is converted to a sowing accuracy, an average value and a standard error of deviation is calculated for the experiment. The results for a stationary state and vibration are compared using a t-test. The accuracy is measured in term of the difference in the monitoring system between the stationary and vibrating states. In another experiment, the accuracy is measured by comparing the results for different vibration conditions, using an ANOVA. If there is no difference for different vibration conditions, the self-developed monitoring system can be used on farms for sowing. Using the self-developed monitoring system, the farmer can increase the efficiency of sowing and reduce the production costs.
