  • 期刊


Analysis of the Suitability of Hybrid Positioning Techniques in Precision Agriculture




Hybrid positioning techniques use multiple network structures to reduce the impact of environmental noise and improve reliability; multiple measurement techniques can improve geospatial dimensions, reduce system bias, and improve accuracy, while multiple algorithms or multiple reference points can coordinate deviations, reduce operational bias, and improve precision. Further, hybrid positioning techniques, in response to the different needs of the precision industry, improve the accuracy of automatic control. Hybrid positioning techniques play an important role in development and sustainable operation of the industry. The hybrid positioning techniques discussed in this paper are guided by the demand for precision agriculture applications. We defined the key performance indicators by combining the generality and suitability indicators to produce decision recommendations for building a positioning system in a diversified industrial environment. Based on the application characteristics of precision agriculture, such as the visibility of signals in environmental monitoring fields, the periodicity of automatic operations, and the activity characteristics of livestock management, we propose key indicators for evaluating the suitability of positioning techniques. Indicators including the accuracy of mobility, the precision of period, the reliability of validation, and the complexity of energy, are proposed to explore the most suitable key performance indicators for precision agriculture and provide the best decision recommendations for actual implementation.


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