  • 期刊


The Macedonia's Political and Economic Development in the Post-Communist Era


馬其頓在後共產主義時期的政經發展,顯示以下二個特點:就政治面向而言,其一,政黨政治在西方憲政體制架構下,呈現穩定發展。其二,北約取代聯合國預防性部署部隊,對馬其頓的安全更有保障。其三,內部民族矛盾的激化可望在科索沃問題和平解決之後,趨於緩和。 就經濟面向而言,其一,總體經濟改革在嚴格控制和管理情況下,已逐步落實,投資環境頗具潛力。其二,戰後南聯盟的重建,提供馬其頓經濟發展生機。其三,北約對南聯盟動武之後,接受眾多難民,因此國際社會承諾對馬國提供經濟協助,對斯科普里政府復興經濟計畫大有裨益。


Macedonia has witnessed major political and economic developments in the post-communist period. With regard to political development in Macedonia a few aspects deserve our attention. First, party politics has been under stable development in Macedonia based on Western constitutional frameworks. Second, Macedonia has been more secure-both politically and militarily-since the UN Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP) was replaced by the NATO troops. Third, the intensity of ethnic conflict in Macedonia is expected to subside as soon as a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Kosovo is reached. There are also a few important trends in economic development. First, the Macedonian economy has substantially improved due to the strict control and management. Consequently, Macedonian's investment environment appears to be becoming more attractive. Second, the Macedonian economy shall benefit from the reconstruction of Yugoslavia after the war between NATO and Yugoslavia. Third, the international community has committed economic assistance to Macedonia to help support a great number of refugees from Kosovo that settled in Macedonia since the conflict began. This international economic should be useful in helping the Skopje government’s plan for economic revival.


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