  • 期刊


The Transition of NATO's Role and Function in Post Cold-War Era


自後冷戰時期以來,北約的角色與功能起了很大的變化。原本整體性與被動性防禦與威懾的政策,已日漸被局部性與主動性的軍事干預行所取代,北約乃向一種危機處理的組織演變。去(一九九九)年三月,北約更規避聯合國的授權,以人權超越主權的新觀念,來為其轟炸南期拉夫聯盟行動奠定合理化的基礎,其干預的區域已擴大到非會員國。對此,中共與俄羅斯堅決反對,北約的這些行動是否會為其他國廣泛接受,還有待考驗。 雖然如此,新加入的波蘭、捷克與匈牙利等以及其多數周邊國家,都盡力改善其相互關係,以期符合北約以和平手段解決爭端的要求,北約的棟擴已經對於該地區的安全與安定,貢獻良多。但是,這種對於新會員的要求與北約本身的武力行動,是否相互矛盾?值得深思。


Since the end of the Cold War, NATO’s role and function has changed tremendously. The policy of defense and intimidation has been gradually replaced by partial intervention. NATO is gradually transforming itselft to a kind of crisis management organization. “Human rights are superior to sovereighty” seems to have been the justification of their military action against Yugoslavia last March. The area of intervention has been extended to non-member states. NATO has also escaped needing the authorization of the UN, despite drastic opposition from China and Russia. Whether these actions will be accepted still is not certain. Nevertheless the new members-including Poland, the Czech republic, and Hungary-and most of their neighboring countries have all tried their best to promote relations and solve conflicts via peaceful means in order to meet NATO requirements. In sum, NATO has already contributed much to peace and stability in Central and Eastern Europe. However, NATO military action seem to contradict these requirements for new member.


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