  • 期刊


Current German Foreign Policy


德國統一已屆滿十年,其國力日增,但是在外交方面,新德國仍舊受到歷史與地理因素的制約。由於外在區域性衝突的影響,德國負擔國際和平義務的壓力增加,因而也已解除對外派兵的禁令,具備了完整的國際行為能力,其國際地位也因此提高。目前,德國以及其盟邦政府都認為,在歐盟與北約的架構之下,德國才能最有效地維護其國家的利益與發展。 也正因為如此,德國與美國的關係產生了變化。華盛頓一再表示將減少對於歐洲事務的參予,但又擔心歐洲的勢力過大;而德法兩國則積極組建歐洲快速反應部隊,以強化其自主能力,但是至今對於南斯拉夫的動亂,又沒有獨力克服的能力,還是需要美國的介入。 在與俄羅斯的關係方面,除了北約東擴對俄羅斯產生不利的影響之外,車臣與科索沃問題仍是德俄雙方最為棘手的問題。德法之間的問題,則是在於歐盟的深化與廣化的方向與速度方面。法國對於德國積極推動歐盟深化存有戒心,而在廣化方面,法國想將地中海地區視為重點,而德國則認為東歐較為重要。相對的,德波之間的北約與歐盟方面的共同利益較大,而歧見則歸因雙方實力的差距。 總之,德國的國際地位已經比以往提高許多,對於國際維和義務和負擔也加重不少,如何積極並順利地推動北約東擴以及歐盟的深化與廣化,正是新德國政府最重要的外交政策。在短期內,德國在外交上發展的空間增大,到底德國是歐洲的德國?還是歐洲是德國的歐洲,依舊值得繼續觀察。


Germany has been unified for ten years and its power is growing. Still, its foreign policy is constrained on historical and geographical grounds. Due to recent conflicts in the Gulf region and in Eastern Europe the pressure of burden sharing for the international peace keeping activities is increasing. Therefore Germany has lifted its ban on sending troops out of NATO area. Germany has become completely sovereign, and its international status has also now been elevated. Its national interests can be at best preserved in the frame work of the European Union and NATO. German-US relations have undergone tremendous changes recently. Washington has made clear its intentions to reduce US involvement in European affairs but at the same time worries about the growing strength of Europe. Although Germany and France have been trying hard to create a combined European force, however, they are still not in the position to solve the Yugoslavian conflict without Washington’s intervention. Russia feels disturbed by the eastward policy of NATO, and the flash points of Chechnya as well as Kosovo remain the major problems between Germany and Russia. How to deepen and enlarge the EU still remains the major area of disagreement between Germany and France. The latter still feels threatened by its strongest neighbor. Whereas Germany is strongly pushing for the EU’s and NATO’s eastwards policy, France rather sees the Mediterranean as their chief concern. On the contrary, Germany has much more common interests with Poland in the frame of Berlin’s EU and NATO policy. Germany’s international status has been elevated and Berlin has also been sharing much more of the burden of international peace keeping activities. In the mean time the most important foreign policy issue for Germany is to promote the EU and NATO.


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