  • 期刊


Analyzing the Strategic Interactions between U.S. and North Korea from the 4^(th) to the 6^(th) Nuclear Weapon Test by DPRK via Deterrence Theory and Spiral Model




From January 6, 2016 to September 3, 2017, North Korea has executed three times of nuclear weapon testing, marking the highest frequency of testing in its history. As a result, this tension later built up the worst time of U.S.-North Korea relations after Kim Jong-un ruled the country. Because of this tension, there are a large number of reports that predict the U.S. will fight North Korea at any time. This research reviews the strategic interactions between U.S. and North Korea during that period, and then argues that the situation between these two countries is more similar to the hypothesis of spiral model than deterrence theory. Hence, the U.S. and North Korea will keep indulging in "security dilemma," which will cause prolonged hostility between these two countries if both sides maintain the original "misperception." The key to solve the deadlock does not depend on whether or not North Korea or the U.S would continue to engage in deterrence behavior against each other, but rather how much both sides are willing to abide by their mutual promise.


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「美日韓將首次舉行聯合反導演習」,紐約時報中文網,https://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20160517/c17korea/zh-hant/,檢索日期2018 年3 月17 日。
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