  • 期刊


The EU-China Investment Agreement Negotiation




Investment plays a key role in EU-China trade relations. Since the Lisbon Treaty came into effect on December 1, 2009, the EU's common commercial policy has extended to investment. Accordingly, the EU has exclusive competence covering investment policy and its negotiation with third countries. Not to mention, the EU has become the main trading partner of China since 2011 because it identifies China as a strategic partner, as well as a targeting country with which to negotiate a high-standard bilateral investment agreement (BIA). Due to the economic weight of both sides, the EU-China investment negotiation will have important impacts on both the EU-China trade relations and the development of international investment rules. From a policy analysis perspective, this paper will examine the following core issues: the theory and application of foreign direct investment, the EU investment policy, the background, positions, scope and core issues, meaning and implications of the EU-China BIA negotiation, and also its impact on Taiwan, etc.


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