  • 期刊

Body Composition and Nutrient Intake of Buddhist Vegetarians



我們說明南韓信奉佛教的素食者之體組成及營養素攝取,並與雜食者的數據作比較。有54名佛教尼姑的素食者為研究對象,她們依佛教的教條而吃素。另外一組31名雜食的天主教修女做比較對象,她們與佛教尼姑有相似的生活型態,卻有不同的飲食模式。所有的受試者完成3天的飲食紀錄。以部份多頻率生物電阻法評估體組成。兩組間沒有身高的差異,但是素食者比起雜食者,有顯著較高的體重、非脂肪重、體脂肪及身體質量指數(BMI, kg/m^2)。素食者及雜食者的BMI中位數均屬正常範圍(22.6及20.7kg/m^2)。在素食者,體脂肪與吃素的持續時間為負相關(p for trend=0.043)。長期的吃素者比起吃素時間短的受試者有較低的體脂肪(12.1 vs. 15.0kg, p=0.032)。韓國佛教徒的吃素者之營養素攝取狀況與雜食者是可相比的,且某些營養素的攝取比起雜食者更佳。


We described the body composition and nutrient intake of Buddhist vegetarians and compared the data with that of omnivores in South Korea. Vegetarian subjects were 54 Buddhist nuns, who adhered to a vegetarian diet in accordance with Buddhist teachings. We compared these finding with a group of 31 omnivore Catholic nuns who shared a similar lifestyle but different dietary pattern than those of the Buddhist nuns. All subjects completed the estimated three-day dietary record. Body composition was determined by a segmental multi-frequency-bioelectrical impedance analysis method. No height difference between the dietary groups existed but the vegetarians had a significantly higher body weight, fat free mass, body fat and body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) than the omnivores. The median BMI of both vegetarians and omnivores fell in the normal range (22.6 vs. 20.7 kg/m2). In vegetarians, body fat was inversely correlated with the duration of vegetarianism (p for trend = 0.043). The long duration group of the vegetarians had lower body fat than the short duration group (12.l vs. 15.0 kg, p = 0.032). The status of the nutrient intake of Korean Buddhist vegetarians was comparable to that of omnivores, and the intake of some nutrients in vegetarians was more favorable than in the omnivores.


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