  • 期刊

The Transition of Chinese Dietary Guidelines and the Food Guide Pagoda



中国营养学会常务理事会于1989年发布了第一个以食物为基础的膳食指南。这个“我国的膳食指南”共有八条,每条附有一段简要说明。 第二个指南-中国居民膳食指南及平衡膳食宝塔,于1997年由中国营养学会公布。此指南扩展为三部分:一般人群膳食指南(八条);七个特定人群膳食指南(婴儿、幼儿、学前儿童和学龄儿童、少年、孕妇、乳母和老年人)及新设计的“平衡膳食宝塔”。近期的“中国居民膳食指南及平衡膳食宝塔”于2007年完成,2008年初由中国卫生部正式发布。指南2007保留了上一版指南的框架,但对每一部分都做了扩展。一般人群膳食指南共有10条,每条都包含提要、讨论、提示和参考资料几个部分。对特定人群的分组更加细化,建议更为具体。平衡膳食宝塔的食物分组和位置安排没有改变,部分食物的建议摄入量有所变动。重要的变化是在宝塔旁加了一个走步的人和一杯清水,反映对运动和饮水的重视。比较指南2007和指南1997,更强调要多吃粗粮,少用烹调油和加强身体活动。


China promulgated her first food based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) in 1989. It was proposed by the standing board of Chinese Nutrition Society. The guidelines consisted of 8 items, each followed by a paragraph of explanation words. The second FBDGs came out in 1997, was expanded to include 3 parts i.e. guide lines for general population, for 7 particular population groups (infants, toddlers and preschool children, school-age children, adolescents, pregnant women, lactating mothers and the aged) and a newly formed food guide pagoda (FGP). The last version of the Chinese FBDGs was compelled by Chinese Nutrition Society in 2007, and proclaimed by the Ministry of Health in early 2008. The new guidelines kept the skeleton of three parts, but expanded remarkably in volume and coverage. The guidelines for the general population consisted of 10 items, each containing: core information, a discussion and reference materials. The guidelines for particular groups contained more subgroups, and more detailed recommendations. The revised pagoda kept the previous food grouping and placement but altered the amount of some food groups. An image of a walker and a cup of water were added to the side of the pagoda. Guidelines-2007 called for more coarse grains and less cooking oil consumption. Physical activity is also strongly recommended.


