  • 期刊

Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) Development and Promotion in Thailand



五大類食物為基礎的飲食指南長久以來被當作營養教育的主要工具,但經過2年的構想及發展,在1996年推動食物基礎飲食指南(FBDGs)。針對一般大眾的FBDGs,其設計理念為推廣合宜且文化上可接受的飲食行為。泰國FBDGs包含9項概念性指南:1. 從五大類食物選取多樣性食物並維持適當體重,2. 食用適量的米或是另類的多醣食物,3. 經常食用足量的蔬菜與水果,4. 經常食用魚類、瘦肉、蛋、及豆類,5. 每天飲用足量的牛奶,6. 攝取適量的油脂,7. 避免攝取過量含糖或鹹的食物,8. 食用乾淨無汙染的食物,9. 避免或減少攝取酒精性飲料。經過對消費者進行理解度及接受性的嚴格測試後,在1998年建立泰國FBDGs的量化部分或食物指南模型,以“營養之旗”呈現。泰國FBDGs的推廣及宣傳已經在全國及社區層級進行,經由基礎衛生、農業及教育的系統和訓練活動,並且透過多重傳播管道和媒體舉辦定期性宣導活動。近期在2009年,嬰兒及學齡前的FBDGs被提出,替代之前的嬰幼兒餵食指南。目前尚未對泰國FBDGs的推廣影響做正式評估,但是一些定期性對知識及行為的測試則顯示正向結果。


Dietary guidelines based on 5 food groups was used as a main nutrition education tool until 1996 when food based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) were promoted after 2 years of formulation and development. These FBDGs for the general population were designed to promote desirable and culturally acceptable eating behavior. The nine qualitative guidelines of Thai FBDGs include: 1. eat a variety of foods from each of the five food groups and maintain proper weight, 2. eat adequate rice, or alternate carbohydrate, 3. eat plenty of vegetables and fruits regularly, 4. eat fish, lean meats, eggs, legumes and pulses regularly, 5. drink sufficient amount of milk every day, 6. take moderate amounts of fat, 7. avoid excessive intake of sweet and salty foods, 8. eat clean and uncontaminated foods, and 9. avoid or reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages. In 1998, the quantitative part of Thai FBDGs or food guide model was established as ”Nutrition Flag” after rigorous test for understanding and acceptability among consumers. Promotion and dissemination of the Thai FBDGs have been carried out at national and community levels through basic health, agricultural and educational services and training activities, as well as periodic campaigning via multiple communication channels and media. Recently in 2009, the FBDGs for infant and preschool children were introduced to replace the previous infant and young child feeding guidelines. There has been no formal evaluation on the impact of promotion of the Thai FBDGs but some periodic testing of knowledge and practices have shown positive results.


