  • 期刊

機車意外傷害 台北市大型醫院急診傷患之流行病學研究

Motorcycle Injuries an Epidemiologic Study of Clinically Emergent Cases


以台北市居民在71年5月至72年4月期間因機車車禍受傷被送往台北市的台大,榮總,三總,長庾,馬偕,國泰,仁愛,和平,中興,空總,台灣療養院及徐外科等十二所醫院急診者為對象,以已擬妥的問卷調查記錄與機車意外傷害發生有關之資料,調查工作由各醫院急診室之護理人員擔任,獲下列結論: 1.在一年研究期間,共有4299位機車意外傷害者,其致死率為0.40%,意外傷害者的死亡數與發生數之比為1:252。 2.機車意外傷害的發生較多見於5-8月,每日下午的1-4時。 3.機車意外傷害者中,男多於女,受傷的機車駕駛人及附載人較為年輕,受傷的行人及腳踏車騎士較為年長。 4.也受傷的機車駕駛人及附載人大多從事於工、商業工作,學生居次,受傷的行人則多為無業人員。 5.機車意外傷害之發生,多見於汽缸小於125cc。之機車及車速在每小時15-40公里之間。 6.受傷機車駕駛人中,18.02%沒有駕照,88.29%沒有戴安全帽;受傷的機車附載人中,95.14%亦未戴安全帽。 7.未戴用安全帽的受傷駕駛人,大多為年輕、未婚之人,其中約三分之一受過高中(職)教育。 8.近半數的機車意外傷害發生在慢車道,20.17%發生在十字路口。 9.優傷害的部位主要發生在四肢尤以下肢;發生在頭頸及顏面部者亦僅三分之一強。 10.導致機車意外傷害發生的原因,主要為煞車不及,其次為超車不慎。因酒後駕駛而發生者亦佔7.19%。 11.71.18的機車意外傷害者於傷害發生後的20分鐘內放送到醫院救治;9.88%的受傷者於傷後半小時才被送往醫院,3.88%的受傷者於傷後2小時以上才被送往醫院救治。 12.台北市的機車意外傷害已相當嚴重,除應積極加強急救醫療工作,尤其是受傷現場之急救外,需加強對「人」「車」之管理,改善道路系統與設施。同時,亦宜應採取某些措施對機車數目作適當之限制。




From May 1982 through April of 1983, a total number of 4,299 casualties were used as subjects for study to compile data concerning injuries and their related factors resulted from motorcycle accidents. They were brought to emergency rooms of twelve leading hospitals within Taipei City. The Investigative work was performed by emergency room nurses of respective hospitals, namely National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital., Chang Gung Memorial, Mackay Memorial, Taipei Municipal Jen Ai, Taipei Municipal Ho Ping, Tri-Service General, Cathay General, Municipal Chung-Hsin, Taipei Air Force General, Taiwan Adventist Hospital and the Hsu Surgical Hospital. Conclusion of this study is as follows: 1. In a period of one-year study, it was found that the fatality rate of motorcycle accident is 0.40%. The number of death against the number of injuries is 1 to 252. 2. The frequent occurrence of motorcycle accident is within the period of May through August from 13 to 16 o'clock especially of fine days. 3. Male casualties out numbered female ones; either drivers or riders. Their average age is 29.18 and 26.09 respectively. Pedestrians or bicycle riders injured by motorcyclists were older than motorcycle drivers. Their average age at occurrence is 33.03 and 36.10 accordingly. 4. Most of the motorcycle drivers and riders belong to industrial or business working class; students being listed secondary. The injured pedestrians belong to largely jobless groups. 5. A large number of the accidents were from motorcycles with cylinder volume less than 125 cubic centimeters at a speed of 15 to 40 kilometers per hour. 6. 18.02 per cent of the drivers suffered injuries from accident had no licenses; 88.29 per cent of them and 95.14 per cent of the injured riders did not wear protective helmets. 7. Most of the injured drivers were young and single; one third of them had finished high school education. 8. Almost half of the accidents occured at a slow speed vehicle lane, of road; 20.17 per cent at cross sections. 9. 54.69 per cent of injuries were seen at extremities especially the lower extremities (32.02%); 36.56% at head, neck or face. 10. The major cause of motorcycle accident is failure to stop in time, carreless overpass to be secondary, driving after alcoholic drinking being 7.l9 per cent. 11. 74.18 per cent of causalities were brought to hospitals for emergent management within 20 minutes after accident occurred; 9.88% of them being under emergency medical care after a 30-minute lapse; 3.88% arrived at a hospital two hours later after accident occurrence. 13.48 per cent of motorcycle causalties require hospitalization for treatment. 12. Motorcycle injury has become a serious problem to residents of Taipei City. Emergency medical care service should be strengthened and amplified, especially on-site life-saving techniques. Administrative measures related to traffic should be improved.


