  • 期刊


The Disease Pattern and Demand of the Emergency Medical Services System in Taipei


從台北市緊急醫療照護系統之十一家責任醫院,分層抽取30.天的急診病人爲樣本,摘取其病歷資料來估計本系統內一年急診傷病種類及需求量。總共獲得7,314份病歷,佔預定樣本數之88.9%。如果每個病人只考慮單一個診斷,則本系統一年之急診需求量爲277,183人次,約佔台北市一年急診人次之69.2%。 一年數量超過2,500人次的重要傷病有:頭及脊椎傷害、骨折、其它外傷、精神科急症、高血壓疾病、腦血管病變、正常生產、其它婦科病因、新生兒疾病、燒傷和中毒。急診病人中,台北市居民佔63.3%,台北縣居民佔27.3%,其它縣市居民佔9.4%。各家醫院所服務的急診病人,都是以該醫院所在地及附近區域之民眾爲多。 建議重視精神急症、頭及脊椎傷害、燒傷的緊急照護問題。建議重新畫分急救責任區,納入三總、空總、私立博仁、市立婦幼與陽明醫院爲責任醫院。


急診 傷病型態 需求量 責任醫院


To evaluate the disease pattern and demand quantities of the Taipei Emergency Medical Services System, we drew a 30-day random sample from 11 major responsible hospitals. We successfully obtained 7,314 (response rate=88.9%) medical records and estimated the total emergency visits by disease pattern in a year. The diseases whose quantities exceeded 2,500 visits per year were: orthopedic and other traumas, head and spinal cord injures, psychiatric emergency, normal deliveries, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertensive diseases, newborn diseases, gynecologic diseases, burns, poisonings and toxic effects. 63.3% of the patients lived at Taipei, 27.3% at Taipei County and 9.4% in other arears of Taiwan. Most patients of each responsible hostital were inhabitants of nearby districts of the hospital. The quality of the emergency services of psychiatric emergency, head & spinal cord injures and burns should be further evaluated and planned. There is a need to include other major hospitals into the Taipei Emergency Medical Services System.
