  • 期刊

Epidemiologic Characteristics of Malignant Neoplasms in Taiwan: Ⅱ. Liver Cancer







Mortality and incidence rates of liver cancer were analyzed to examine the epidemiologic characteristics of the disease in Taiwan. A significant upward secular trend for age-adjusted mortality rates from 1954 to 1983 was observed in males but not in females. The mortality rate of liver cancer increased significantly for all the age groups during the interval between two periods of 1954-1963 and 1964-1973. However, the mortality rate decreased for the age group of 20-29 in males and for most age groups in females during the interval between two periods of 1964-1973 and 1974-1983. Both international comparison and migrant study indicated an extraordinarily high risk of liver cancer among Chinese than other populations throughout the world. The cumulative mortality rate of liver cancer was 4.83% and 1.74% for males and females, respectively. The cumulative rate in Taiwan ranked as the second among 18 selected countries and areas compared. Mortality rates of liver cancer in Taiwan were lower than those in Hong Kong and higher than those in Mainland China for most age groups in both males and females. Striking geographical variation of liver cancer mortality was observed in Taiwan with high risk areas clustered in the Penghu Islets, the blackfoot disease endemic area and eastern mountainous aboriginal townships. The observations suggest environmental risk factors in addition to hepatitis B virus infection may be involved in the development of liver cancer.


liver cancer epidemiology Taiwan
