

為了解家庭疾病照顧的型態,尋找疾病照顧分工的影響因素,特別探討婦女在家庭疾病照顧中所扮演的角色,本研究在台灣北部地區使用依照人口比率之機率集束抽樣法,抽出50個地段,每地段再抽出40戶,以問卷訪視進行調查,總共完成1590戶(完成率79.5%),包含5857個個人資料,其中有862個家庭成員在訪視指定期間曾經患病,佔全部5857人的14.7%。資料分析係針對此862人,先以卡方檢定,再以逐步對數複迴歸法(stepwise nultipll logistir regression),分析各種社區、家庭,及個人的特徵,如何影響其所得到疾病照顧的分工。為使結果明確易懂,並配合我國注重家庭的文化特色,特將疾病照顧的分工分成自我照顧、性別分工,及輩份分工三個角度來看。本研究的主要發現為,在家庭層次95%以上的疾病照顧由同住家人完成,在個人層次,控制其他有顯著影響的變項後,與擴大家庭相比,離散期前核心家庭有較多由病人向我照顧的情形。勝算比為1.42,且無論離散期前或期後的核心家庭,均比擴大家庭,有較多由家中上一代照顧者,勝算比分別為3.42及4.34;孩童與青年相比,較多由上一代,且係由妻子母親照顧,(前者勝算比19.68,彼者20.17),老人受到他人照顧的程度則遠不及孩童。妻子、母親雖然在孩童照顧中扮演主要照顧者的角色。但當其本身需要照顧時,本研究並未發現其有被忽視而更須向我照顧的情形。最後,本研究從理論及測量上計論了這些結果,並對醫療保健政策提出建議。




A proportional probability sampling with clusters was done to obtain 50 clusters, 1590 households and 862 cases with self-reported illness. A Structured questionnaire interview with home visit was performed. The influences of the characteristics of the community, the family and the patients themselves were analysed with Chi-square test and stepwise multiple logistic regression. The main results were: At the family level, cver 95% of the health care works were performed by the family members living together. At the individual level, after controlling all other variables, the influence of urbanization was not significant, patients in nuclear families before the stage of launching tended to take care of themselves, (adds ratio 1.42), those in nuclear families both before and aftex the stage of launching tended to be cared by the upper generation (odds ratio 3.42 and 434); children tended to be cared by the upper generation, actially, mothors (odds iatio 19.68 and 20,17), whill the elderly did not get the sane level of care as childion. Mother-wives did play an important role in family health care, however, when they onle necded others' care them needs were not found to be neglected or postponed. The issues in theoretical basis, concept and measurement, as well as the policy implication were also discussed.


范圭玲(2006)。系統性護理指導介入對初入兒科 加護病房病童母親壓力源之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.02197
