  • 期刊


Smoking Behavior and Its Correlates: An Investigation among the Passengers of Long-Distance Buses




吸菸 行爲 知識 態度


The purpose of this study was to investigate passengers knowledge of, attitude towards and habits of smoking. Buses commuting between Taipei and Kaoshiung, some public and same private, were purposely selected as the samples. Based on the time schedules, 68 buses were randomly selected and 1162 passengers were studied. The backgrounds of passengers on public buses were different from those on private buses. Of these two groups, those on private buses smoked more (45.8% vs 25.2%), had less knowledge about the hazards of smoking and had more positive attitudes toward smoking. Almost all of the subjects had seen the antismoking signs and understand that smoking in public places is prohibited. A small number, 14.8%, of the subjects thought that the labels were useless, and 63.4% of the passengers were not aware of the surveilance activities performed by the Antismoking Group. A total of 43.1% of the subjects reported that they were unaware of the Public Sites Antismoking Regulation, and 87.8% of the subjects indicated that they support the antismoking policy. A majority, 613%, of the smokers indicated that they would extinguish their cigarettes in areas where antismoking signs were posted. The places where the non-smokers would advise smokers not to smoke are the home (41.7%), workplace (21.4%), and public sites (8.8%). Background factors including gender, age, and education were significantly related to a subjects smoking behavior. There were close correlations between a subject’s knowledge, attitude, policy support, and smokng behavior. An educational program focused on antismoking is expected to be propagated.


smoking behavior knowledge attitude


