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Study on Dietary Intakes of Total Lipids Fatty Acids, Cholesterol and Vitamin E in Taiwan


由於脂質攝取量脂肪酸種類(特別是多元不飽和脂肪酸與飽和脂肪酸之比例,即P/S比值)膽固醇之攝取量與心臟冠狀動脈疾病可能有關,故本篇研究就農復會每年出版之食物平衡表來統計上述脂質類攝取量之變遷,自民國39年至63年二十四年間之變化作一剖析研究。總脂質由每人每天27.9克(民國39年)增加至76.3克(63年),即由占總熱量之12.2%上升至25.1%。飽和脂肪酸及多元不飽和脂肪酸分別由占總熱量之3.4%及2.3%(39年)增加至7.5%及5.4%(63年),P/S比值由民國39年之0.68上升至民國63年之0.72,而以民國53年0.86最高,單元不飽和脂肪酸亦由占總熱量之5.2%上升至9.1%。膽固醇攝取量由民國39年之每人每天67毫克上升至民國63年之201毫克。由實際膳食調查所得之各種食物攝取量的臺北市延平區(民國61年)及臺北縣三芝鄉(民國64年)鄉民的膽固醇平均每天每人攝取量分別為373和117毫克。另外討論到α-tocopherol及total tocopherol之攝取趨勢,雖然近年來total tocopherol有大幅上升,但以維生素E生物活性來看是一直沒什麼變化,約相當於11~12毫克的α-tocopherol。




Because total fat intake, composition of dietary fatty acids (especially polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids ratio, P/S ratio) and cholesterol intake are thought to be associated with coronary heart disease, we analyzed the secular trends of dietary fat, composition of its fatty acids and cholesterol intake in Taiwan from 1950 to 1974. The study, which was based on ”Taiwan Food Balance Sheet” Published annually by the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, revealed that the total fat intake increased from 12.2% (1950) to 25.1% (1974) of the toaal calorie intakes. Dietary saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids increased from 3.4% and 2.3% (1950) to 7.5% and 54% of the total calories (1974) respectively. The P/S ratio increased slightly from 0.68 to 0.72, although a higher value of 0.86 was attained in 1964. Monounsaturated fatty acids in the dietary fat increased from 5.2% to 9.1% of the total calories. Total cholesterol intake also increased considerably from 67mg/day/capita (1950) to 201 mg (1974). Cholesterol intakes of urban Taipei and rural San-Chih, estimated from the actural food consumption survey data, were 373 and 117mg/day/capita. The intakes of α-tocopherol and total tocopherol were also calculated. Although total tocopherol intake increased considerably in recent years, the estimated dietary vitamin E activity remained rather unchanged, i.e. approximate 11 to 12mg/day/ capita of α-tocopherol.


