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The Assessment of the Nutritional Status of the Hospitalized Patients


為了解本院住院病患的營養狀況,特於民國75年春、夏、秋、冬四季中,各在一週時間內,對住院滿兩週以上的病人作營養評估,評估項目包括:身高、體重、三頭肌皮脂厚度,中臂肌圍等體位測量,和血清白蛋白、轉鐵素、前白蛋白、淋巴球總數等血液生化檢查,再以電腦計算及作營養不良的分類整理。接受調查的150位住院滿兩週之病患中,男性有94人,女性有56人,而年齡大於60歲者佔41%。在體位測量方面,18-19%為病患的體重分別低於衛生署平均體位或世界衛生組織理想體重的80%,55%病患的三頭肌皮脂厚度小於十百分位,35.4%病患的中臂肌圍小於十百分位。在血液生化檢查方面,血清白蛋白小於3.5g/dl者佔52.1%,轉鐵素小於200mg/dl者佔45.1%,前白蛋白小於15mg/dl者佔33.3%,淋巴球總數低於1500cells/cmm者佔29.3%。以Chang氏的營養不良分類,則有44.8% 的病人屬於消瘦症,12.4%屬於蛋白質營養缺乏症,19%屬於消瘦症合併蛋白質營養缺乏症,其中尤以內、外科病人或癌病人的營養不良狀況最為嚴重。




A. nutritional survey was conducted in Taipei Muncipal Jen-Ai Hospital. During the one-week study period in each of the four consecutive seasons in 1986, subjects were selected at random from all patients who remained hospitalized for more than 2 weeks. Among the 150 subjects, 94 of them were male and 56 were female; besides, forty one percent of them had their age over sixty. Anthropometric measurements revealed: 18% to 19% of patients had their body weight less than 80% of their ideal. body weight; 55% of the patients had triceps skin fold (TSF) thickness less than tenth percentile, and 35.4% of the patients had mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) less than the tenth percentile. The laboratory data showed: 52.1% of the subjects had serum albumin levels less than 3.5g/dl, 45.1% had serum transferrin levels less than 200mg/dl, 33.4% had serum prealbumin levels less than 15mg/dl, and 39.3% had total lymphocyte count less than 1500 cells/cmm. According to the Chang's classification of malnutrition, 448% of the Patients were marasmus of various severity, 12.4% were kwashiorker, and 19% were marasmus/kwashiorker combination. When the paitents were subgrouped according to their service department and disease entity, it was found that the malnutrition was most prevalent among surgical patients, medical patients, and the patients with malignant disease.


