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Changes of Weight, Triceps Skinfold Thickness and Mid Arm Circumference during Pregnancy and Their Correlation with the Anthropometric Measurements on the Neonates



母親懷孕時之營養狀況對胎兒之生長發育影響至鉅。臨床上評估孕婦營養狀況之方法很多,但都有其缺點,而懷孕期間體重、三頭肌及皮下脂肪厚度及臂圍之增加,均表示熱量之正平衡,都是臨床上長期測量營養狀況之客觀指標。本研究主要是想了解我國婦女在懷孕期間體重、三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度、及臂圍之變化,及其與新生兒體位測量值之間的關係。 本研究選擇了93位足月產之健康孕婦,由第一次產前檢查開始,測量其體重、三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度及臂圍,懷孕32週以前每月測量一次,32週至生產每兩週測量一次。待其生產後,記錄其胎盤重,並測量其所生嬰兒之體重、身長、三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度、臂圍和頭圍等,其上臂肌肉圍、及上臂肌肉面積則以公式計算而得,最後進行統計分析以了解彼此之間的關係。 結果顯示,孕婦體重隨懷孕週數而上升,平均增加15.2±3.4公斤;三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度在懷孕前期上升,至懷孕後期則漸次下降,下降的時間因人而異,但孕前體重低於理想體重85%之8位孕婦中有6位的TSF在懷孕後期下降後,至生產前有再次上升之情形;臂圍自懷孕後即逐漸增加,但至懷孕後期則逐漸平穩而無持續增加的現象。孕婦三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度下降的時間,與新生兒之體位測量值有負相關,但懷孕前體重與嬰兒出生體重、身長無相關,且懷孕期間體重增加之多寡亦與嬰兒之出生體重、身長及三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度無相關。胎盤重量除了與嬰兒之頭圍無相關外,與嬰兒之其他體位測量值都有正相關。




The body weight gain, triceps skinfold thickness (TSF) and mid arm circumference (MAC) of pregnant women were measured in this study, in order to know the changes during pregnancy and their correlation with the anthropometric data of newborn babies. Body weight, TSF, and MAC of 93 pregnant women who gave birth to full term infants were examined and recorded each time they came to the obstetric clinic. After the babies were born, birth weight, body height, MAC, TSF, and head circumference (HC) of the neonates were measured respectively, the placenta weight was recorded, and arm muscle circumference (AMC) and arm muscle area (AMA) were calculated by formula. The results revealed that body weight of the pregnant women increased gradually during pregnancy with a total increment of 15.2±3.4 kg. TSF increased in the first two trimester and decreased in the middle of the third trimester. The time TSF began to decrease varied individually. However 6 out of 8 pregnant women with their prepregnant weight below 85% of ideal body weight, showed that the TSF, after declining in the middle of third trimester, would increase again before delivery. MAC increased gradually and reached a plateau at week 32, then maintained at that level till the date of delivery. There was negative correlation between the time that TSF began dropping during pregnancy and the anthropometric measurements of the babies. No correlation was found between prepregnant weight and birth weight, body height, MAC and TSF of the neonates. The weight increment throughout pregnancy also showed no correlation with birth weight, birth height, and TSF. However, the placenta weight showed a positive correlation with all anthropometric measurements of the babies except with HC.


