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Comparison of the Ascorbic Acid Levels between Human Milk and Infant Formula During Storage Process


母乳或嬰兒配方乳提供嬰兒生長發育所需的營養素,隨著社會的改變,將母乳或嬰兒配方乳貯存後再哺餵嬰兒的比例有增加趨勢。因此本研究主要探討母乳於不同貯存溫度及時間下維生素C濃度變化之情形並與嬰兒配方乳相比較。以母乳及市售六種嬰兒配方乳為實驗材料,於貯存的第0、1、2、7、30天以高效液相層析儀配備電化學偵測器測定維生素C之濃度。結果為經過一個月貯存,母乳中維生素C(100%, 44mg/100g乾重)含量在4℃貯存下顯著下降(3±2%),然而在-18℃貯存下變化並不明顯(83±8%);嬰兒配方乳中維生素C的含量(100%, 67mg/100g乾重)經過一個月貯存後顯著降低,4℃下為(1±0.2%)、-18℃時則為(63±6%)。顯示在同樣貯存條件下,嬰兒配方乳中的維生素C流失比例高於母乳。就本研究之結果,無論是母乳或嬰兒配方乳皆不宜貯存太久,最好有乳汁就哺餵嬰兒,若要貯存,建議冷凍貯存,以確保乳汁品質之良好。


母乳 嬰兒配方乳 貯存 維生素C


Effects of storage temperature and time on the ascorbic acid levels in human milk were studied using an HPLC system equipped with an electrochemical detector. The results were also compared to those obtained from commercial infant formula. The ascorbic acid levels in human milk was found to change from 65±7% remaining, to 42±8%, 12±6% and the 3±2% after stored at 4℃ for 1, 2, 7 and 30 days respectively. However, -18℃ storage can prevent the loss of ascorbic acid levels effectively, as evidenced by high ascorbic acid level remaining (83±8%) after 30 days storage. Similar trend was observed in commercial infant formula. The ascorbic acid level remaining in commercial infant formula was found to be 1±0.2% and 63±6% after 30 days storage at 4℃ and -18℃ respectively. These results suggested that in terms of preserving ascorbic acid level, human milk was better than infant formula and frozen storage was better than refrigeration.


human milk infant formula storage ascorbic acid
