  • 期刊


"Seeking Heart by Heart" and "Refuting Chan by Chan": Dahui Zonggao's Influence on Zhu Xi's Criticism of Huxiang School




朱子 張栻 大慧宗杲 觀過知仁 湖湘學派


Zhu Xi criticizes that Huxiang School's way of self-cultivation bears some resemblance to Chan, but his criticism also borrows Chan (especially Dahui Zonggao). His approach can by characterized as "refuting Chan by Chan". First, Zhu Xi maintains that Huxiang School's "understanding humaneness through observing one's own moral failure" would lead to "dividing the heart into three (parts/functions)". I found in Dahui's writings a similar statement about "dividing the heart into three" and the Chan Gong'an (punchline story) that Zhu Xi quoted in a letter to Huxiang School, which suggests that Zhu Xi's idea was borrowed from Dahui. Second, Zhu Xi criticizes Huxiang School's "seeking (the lost) heart by heart" and remarks that "once you know that the heart is lost, such awareness is the heart, why do you need to seek it?" In place of the Huxiang method, Zhu Xi proposes "jing" (seriousness) as a way of "keeping awake and alert" (a method from a Chan master, Rui Yan). Similarly, Dahui wrote, "one who knows one's own dimwittedness definitely is not dimwitted," and also quote Rui Yan's "keeping awake and alert". I propose a research method that combines "structural similarity of thought" and "history of text reading and social networking." In order to prove that Zhu Xi was influenced by Dahui, it does not suffice to merely point out their conceptual similarity, thus in this paper, I extensively draw on Zhu Xi's social networking and text reading to prove that he had read Dahui's text that contains the relevant thoughts.


Zhu Xi Zhang Shi Dahui Zonggao Chan Buddhism Huxiang School


正受撰 〔 宋 〕 。 《 嘉泰普燈錄 》 ( 東京 : 株式會社國書刊行會 , 1975- 1989 年 《 卍新纂大日本續藏經 》 第 79 冊 ) 。
田浩 ( Hoyt Cleverland Tillman ) ( 2002 ) 。 《 朱熹的思維世界 》 。 西安 : 陝西師範大學出版社 。
白壽彝 ( 1936a ) 。 〈 朱熹底師承 ( 待續 ) 〉 , 《 文哲月刊 》,1 , 8 : 79-93
白壽彝 ( 1936 b ) 。 〈 朱熹底師承 ( 續 ) 〉 , 《 文哲月刊 》 , 1 , 9 : 75-102 。
朱時恩 〔 明 〕 。 《 居士分燈錄 》 ( 東京 : 株式會社國書刊行會 , 1975-1989年 《 卍新纂大日本續藏經撰 》 第 86 冊 ) 。
