  • 期刊


Autofluorescence Spectroscopy for Differentiating oral Benign Tissues from Precancerous Lesions


臨床癌前期病灶絕大多數包括病理的口腔良性組織及癌前期病變,本研究擬開發一種非侵入性即時鑑識系統,期望利用自體螢光技術協助醫師鑑別臨床上之癌前期病變。本實驗記錄了41個疑似口腔癌前期病灶的活體自體螢光,利用330nm 激發光照射口腔組織,紀錄370~570nm自體螢光光譜;光譜分析法採用螢光孩度比值法(F ratio)與部分最小平方法(Partial least squares)。螢光光譜分析結果比對病理報告後得到口腔良性組織與癌前病變鑑別的最佳敏感度(sensitivity)為0.89,專一度(specificity)為0.80;同樣的組織自體螢光,以兩種分析法研究,在敏感度及專一度上發現部分最小平方法優於螢光強度比值法。研究顯示應用非侵入式自體螢光檢測技術有助於口腔良性組織及癌前期病灶之鑑別診斷。


Clinical oral precancerous lesions include pathologically benign and precancerous lesions. This study investigated the possibility of using a non-invasive and real-time diagnostic system (autofluorescence spectroscopy) to differentiate among oral benign tissues, precancerous lesions, and cancers. Oral tissue was excited with 330-nm light and was detected sequentially using the 370~570-nm autofluorescence spectrum. Spectroscopic analysis included the ratio method and partial least squares (a kind of multivariate analysis). The sensitivity and specificity of differentiating oral benign tissues from precancerous lesions were 0.89 and 0.80, respectively. After comparing the results of 2 different analytical methods for the same spectrum, partial least squares was determined to be better than F ratio analysis. We concluded that autofluorescence spectroscopy can differentiate oral precancerous lesions from benign tissues. Therefore, this technique can be used for the early detection of oral precancerous lesions.
