  • 期刊


Relationships between the Dental Caries Status of Preschool Children and the Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices of Their Parents in Taipei County, Taiwan


本調查目的為瞭解台北縣學齡前兒童齲齒狀況與其家長口腔衛生知識、態度、行為等變項之相關性。以分層集束等比例抽樣隨機選取立案幼稚園/托兒所學童進行口檢,並對其家長實施問卷調查,回收資料以t-test、ANOVA、Correlation及Logistic Regression分析。結果發現:完成口檢學童合計2463人,乳牙齲齒盛行率為76.6%、齲蝕指數(deftindex)為4.78顆。家長口腔衛生知識、態度、行為平均得分各為6.70(0~10)、40.91(10~50)及23.31(9~37)。學童之deft index及盛行率與家長之口腔衛生態度及行為皆呈統計學上之顯著差異。邏輯迴歸分析發現:家長口腔衛生態度或行為得分每增加一分,其子女罹患齲齒的風險約可降低3%。建議在運用氟化物防齲策略時,應同時加強家長口腔衛生知識、態度與行為,方能有效降低學童齲齒狀況。


The oral health status at the preschool age will affect a child’s chewing, pronunciation, and appearance, growth, and development of the permanent teeth as well as the child’s personality in the future. The purposes of this study were to investigate the dental caries status of preschool children in Taipei County, to evaluate its relationships with the oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of their parents and to explore the factors affecting these relationships. The study subjects were randomly collected by stratified cluster sampling with a probability proportional to the size design. Despite some missing data, 2463 valid oral health examination sheets and questionnaires were collected. All statistical tests, including t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and logistic regression were carried out using SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Japan, Tokyo, Japan). The average caries prevalence rate was 76.6% and the deft index was 4.78. The mean scores of oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors were 6.70 (0~10), 40.91 (10~50), and 23.31 (9~37), respectively. After the logistic regression analysis, as the score of the oral health attitude or behavior of the parents increased by 1 point, the risk of dental caries incidence of children decreased by 3% (attitude: odds ratio (OR): 0.97, confidence interval (CI): 0.94~0.99), (behavior: OR: 0.97, CI: 0.93~1.00). In other words, children of parents with better oral health attitudes and behaviors are at lower risk of caries. While applying fluoride as a caries prevention policy, we should improve parents' oral health knowledge and attitudes at the same time, so as to truly promote the general public’s oral health.


