  • 期刊

臺灣野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)之生物學初探

A Preliminary Study on the Biology of Formosan Wild Pig, Sus scrofa taivanus



為了解臺灣野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)之基本生物學資料,於1986年7月至1987年5月間,在臺灣省林業試驗所福山分所自然保護區及植物園區,以穿越線法共調查77天/人。結果發現8種间接證據證實臺鷥野豬活躍於調查區域:足跡、步徑可在全區各處發現;排遺則在山坡、稜線、河床發現;掘根除山坡外均可發現,樹根擦拭,氣味、聲音等則只在稜線上發現。 調查期間計發現16處豬窩,豬窩位置平均海拔高度為711±71m,大都建於稜線上;其中75%在海拔630~750m之間。窩大致呈圓形,直徑平均1.7±0.2m(N=13)。其中可辨認的2個豬窩有1或2個入口,其口徑20cm,由出入口深入可達90cm,窩之高度分別為30cm及70cm。豬窩使用建材包括芒草、樹枝、樹葉或蕨類等,所使用植物經鑑定有南投黃肉楠等10種,而窩附近平均直徑4.6±0.6m(N=10)範圍內之植被被移除供做建材。就豬窩建材新鮮程度及豬窩周圍植被生長情形將其分為0~3等4級,0級(使用中)豬窩先後發現於7月及12月,至於0~2級豬窩(N=13)之建造期限可能均不及1年。


臺灣野豬 生物學 野生動物 痕跡


In order to understand the biology of the Formosan wild pig, a total of 77 day's transect line survey was conducted from July, 1986 to May, 1987 in Fu-Shan Experimental Station of The Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (Fig. 3). According to the surrvey, which showed that tracks, droppings, pathways and rootings of formosan wild pigs were common in the study areas and that rubbing, odor, sound, and nests were also present, the formosan wild pig is still active in Fu-Shan. Sixteen formosan wild pig nests were discovered in this study, mainly built on the ridgeline crest The average altitude of these nests was 711±71m (N=16) and 75% of them were between 630-750m elevation. The wild pig nest was roughly round in shape, with an average diameter of 1.7±0.2m (N=13). The height of the 2 fresh nests was 30cm and 70cm. Each nest had 1 or 2 entrances. The average diameter and depth on the entrance was about 20cm and 90cm (N=2), respectively. Nest material included miscanthus, twigs, leaves and/or ferns. At least 10 plant species used as nest material have been identified. Since nest material came from the vicinity of the nest, most plants around the nest were cleared by the nest builder. This cleared area was also roughly round in shape, with an average diameter of 4.6±0.6m (N=10). Based on the degree of freshness of the nest material and the growth condition of plants around the nest, the 16 nests were classified in 4 categories. The 2 fresh nests (category 0) were found in July and December. Thirteen out of the 16 nests (categories 0-2) were built in less than a year.


Formosan wild pig biology wildlife traces nest


高嘉孜(2013)。苗栗縣通霄鎮石虎(Prionailurus bengalensis chinensis)之移除模式及衝突探討〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00010
