  • 期刊


Evaluation of Shiitake Production and Quality from Various Hardwood Log Species



為開發本省栽培香菇樹種,充裕原木資源,經以前篇報導選出山柏、直幹相思樹、白匏仔、卡桐及木油桐等速生新樹種,今繼續採取29種以往未曾用於香菇栽培速生樹種及11種已知之商用菇木樹種作印證,進行香菇栽培之研究,結果顯示: (一)高產菇量有經濟利潤樹種計分二類:(1) 5種新樹種:依産菇量多寡依序為恆春錐栗、刺杜密、粗皮桉、銀木麻黃及細直枝木麻黃等。(2)已知之商用樹種:由11種已知之商用樹種選出8種高產量者,依產菇量多寡依序為火燒柯、臺灣黃杞、杜英、墨點櫻桃、大葉杜、薯豆、楓香、臺灣赤楊、相思樹;至於九芎、臺灣柯及赤校產量卻偏低。 (二)香菇品質優異樹種:1.特優樹種為恆春錐栗(新種)及火燒柯,2.上等品樹種杜英,薯豆、大葉杜、墨點櫻桃及相思樹。


樹種 段木 產量 品質


A series of experiments were conducted to screen new sources of logs for shiitake cultivation in Taiwan, In the initial experiment, logs of Sapium discolor, Acacia mangium, Mallotus paniculatus, Anthocephalus chinensis, and Aleurites Montana were found suitable for shiitake cultivation, sod compared favorably with a well-known traditional commercial mushroom log, Liquidambar formosana. In the current study, 29 hardwood log species which have never been used for shiitake cultivation before, as well as 11 commercial hardwood mushroom log species, were tested to identify potential new log sources. The results are as follows: 1. The high production, more profitable species of a) 5 new species, in descending order of productions were Castanopsis indica, Bischofia balansae, Eucalyptus deglupta, Casuarina glanca, and C. stricta; b) 8 traditional commercial log species in descending order of shiitake productions were Gastanopsis hystrix, Engelhardtia roxburghiana, Elaeocarpus japonicus, Prunus phaeosticta, Pasania brevicaudata, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Alnus formosana, and Acacia confusa. The remaining commercial species of Lagerstraemia subcostata, Pasania formosana and Castanopsis borneensis were rather poor producers in shiitake cultivation. 2. Quality ranking of the shiitake logs were: Castanopsis indica, and C. hystrix, Premium grades; Elaeocarpus sylvestris, E. japonicus, Pasania brevicaudata, Prunus phaeosticta, and Acacia confuse, choice grades.


Tree species Log Production Quality


劉炳志(2014)。墨點櫻桃(Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim.)枝梢生長及氰醣苷含量之變動〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.01380
